8• Survive The Night

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Chapter 8 - Survive The Night

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Chapter 8 - Survive The Night

I know people don't like the girl following Thomas because it's how he proves himself but I think Luna needed to 'prove' herself as well. She wanted to know that she was strong:)


'Thomas you fucking wanker!' I shouted before sprinting after him through the closing walls.

'Luna don't you bloody dare!' Was the last thing I heard before the movement stopped echoing throughout the maze. What did I just do?

'Fuck me.' I muttered bending down to catch my breath.

'Greenie?' Minho cautiously asked. 'Lulu?' That was more like a shout off disbelief.

I tilted my head up to be faced with a puzzled expression planted on the asain boy.

'What the shuck are you doing here Lulu? Newt needs you, you can't die!'

'What? Hey princess if you think I'm dying in a fucking maze, you really don't know me.' I slightly smirked because I had a feeling that we would make it out; we had to.

I zoned out of the arguing boy's conversation and glanced over to the injured boy. His clothes were ripped and sweat beaded his forehead along with a nasty cut.

'What happened?' Thomas took the words right out of my mouth.

'Don't want to talk about it. Let's just say grievers don't play dead very well.'

'So he was bitten, stung or whatever? Is he going through the changing?' A more important question, is he going to live?

'You've got a lot to learn.' Were the only words that left Minho's mouth.

'Is he going to die?'

'Well since we didn't make it out before sun set, probably. I don't know how long you live without having the serum so he could be dead in a hour.' I'm not going to let that happen, he was their leader.

'Yep we'll all be nice and dead soon.' The spikey haired boy scoffed.

'So we're really going to die?' Thomas asked with so much emotion I could feel my heart ache. 'You're telling me we have no chance?'


'There has to be something we can do, how many grievers will come at us.'

'I don't know.' I could tell that Minho had already given up.

'What about the others who had been stung and survived?' It was like a bucket of useless hope had been poured onto the new boy.

'Did you hear me? They made it back for the serum you shank.' The asain said like he was talking to a child.

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