7• Now Or Never

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Chapter  7 - Now Or Never

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Chapter 7 - Now Or Never


Don't get me wrong I love having a full nights sleep but I was getting more curious as the days passed. I wanted to know more about my life before the maze; I wanted to see more memories with Aelia. But they never came last night.

I looked to my left and saw a newly awoken blonde boy stretching his toned arms. He looked so gorgeous in the morning with his messy hair.

'Morning.' And oh my god his fucking voice.

'Morning.' I couldn't look at the boy because I knew my cheeks were going to be red and that was because I remembered our kiss from last night.

'Do you actually think you can go a full bloody day without anything happening to you?' Newt joked but he was true. Other then the first day I've had something happen to me. Was it bad karma? Possibly.

'Ha ha very funny blondie.' I mocked before finally swinging my legs around and getting out of my bed.

'Greenie's trying out a slicer today.' The boy informed me and I visibly gagged at the memories of that horrid job.

'I'll pray for him.'

'I'm sure you will. Now come on love, breakfast is gonna be over by time we get there.' I almost fainted. I've heard him call it me before but with his appearance and his voice it just did something to me. Holy hell.

I would say I've walked up and down the homestead stairs around fifty two times. I could be deaf and blind and still not fall over. I was a bit disappointed to not see my spikey haired friend this morning but I suppose he has a job to do, it's just annoying because he always starts my day off with laughter.

'Hey Luna, you ok?' Thomas's words dragged me out of my trance.

'Yep.' I popped the 'p' trying to assure them that my statement was true.

'Sure. Anyway I better be off you know slicing up little piggies.' If I had actually been listening I would have laughed but my mind was to foggy with the thoughts of my previous memories.

'Lu you should go to your job as well.' Newt advised and I agreed. Maybe it will take my mind of things?

Sure enough it did.

I spent my whole morning stitching someone's forehead after they fell and cut it open. I nearly threw up at the sight but I thankfully held it in. I would say the boy was only around fifteen which made me feel bad because this was definitely going to leave a scar. But hey scars aren't bad, they show what you've been through but then again in this case the boy did just trip up in a rock so it wasn't really a heroic story to tell.

I just finished giving the boy some pain killers before I got dismissed for my lunch break. Thank you Lord. I picked at my food this morning and barley ate anything so as soon as my nose smelt the mouth watering food, my empty stomach grumbled.

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