Chapter S E V E N T E E N

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It had been a couple days since I got here and everything went back to normal.

Everyone accepted the fact that I worked for Voldemort, well almost everyone.

Harry, Ron and Hermione still hadn't completely trusted me. Mainly Harry but I completely understood.

I knew that earning their trust would be hard, but they'll come around.

Fred and I had been having the best days ever together.
Although I didn't want to leave the house, he found ways to plan dates in his backyard.

I had also sent Miadore a couple letters, telling her that I was fine here at the burrow. I may have mentioned to her about my new relationship, but she promised not to tell anyone. Especially not Draco.

Obviously, I trusted her enough to believe her.
But I did somewhat worry because Mia had habits of spitting out things that shouldn't be spat when drunk.
And at the manor, getting drunk was a for sure thing.

I was sitting next to Fred, reading as he slept peacefully.
Next to Freds bed was Georges, where he was also sleeping.

I looked away from my book and down to my boyfriend, his bare chest rising and lowering slowly as he breathed.

His messy long hair covering his face, blocking me from seeing his beautiful fitures. One of his arms laying above his head as the other rested over his abs.

His abs were very defined from playing Quidditch.
Although he hadn't played in a while, his body was still in very good condition.

I smiled to myself and continued reading my book. My favorite book; Romeo and Juliet.

"Watcha reading Gia?" His low and deep voice made me jump slightly.

"Morning George. A book, obviously." I turned to look at him as he chuckled and stretched.

"Is he still asleep? Damn." We both laughed lightly.

I turned to look at Fred, through his strands of hair I could see his shut eyes.
He warmed my heart, even if he wasn't doing anything to me, just by being at my side.

"Handsome aren't I love?" He suddenly spoke. His deep raspy morning voice made me fall even harder for him, if that was even possible.

"Well someone's speaking facts." He smirked and opened his eyes.

His light brown eyes looked up at me.

I swifted his hair out of his face with my hand then rested it on his cheek.

He smiled and I did it back before he stuck his tongue out and licked my hand.

"Ewww! WEASLEY." He quickly jumped out of bed and ran out of the room.

I groaned and wiped my hand on his blankets before going out and chasing after him.

Right as I exited the room I was picked up roughly by him.
He threw me over his shoulder like I was nothing.

"Freeeed put me DOWN!" He laughed.

It hurt to hold myself up, so I just let myself dangle over him and awaited to see where it was that he was taking me.

He walked down to the third floor and closed the bathroom door behind him before setting me on the sink countertop.

He leaned his back on the door, staring intensely at me with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked him.

"You know... you look really hot right." He walked towards me slowly.

He leaned on the countertop, his arms on either side of my legs.
His face was close to mine, his eyes switching between my own and my lips.

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