Chapter S I X T E E N

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"Keeping it from you for all these years was the hardest part..."

Gias POV

I reopened my eyes to see the burrow before me. I took a deep breath as I knocked on the front door.
Molly opened it, a very shocked look on her face,

"Gia.. oh my.." She said softly almost as a whisper.

"Molly.. im so sorry.." I felt like tears wanted to come, but they never did.

"I- I- come in in dear." She sighed and stepped aside so I could walk in.
As soon as I entered the warmness of her home, it felt like I was finally safe.

She willingly asked if I wanted something to eat and I kindly declined. We sat at the kitchen table,

"Im guessing you know what happened, yes?" I looked up to see her staring at me.

"Iv heard.. Molly I was there.." She gasped.

"Oh that's wonderful news! The professors must hear about this! They must capture the son of a bitch who-"

"Molly! Im daughter of that son of a bitch!" Her expression went blank.

"Snape.. is the.. son of a bitch..?" Her voice was low and quiet.

"Molly..." My voice came out almost as a whisper.

Her eyes trailed down to my arm where I tugged up my sleeve to show her my mark. Her eyes widened at the sight as she stood up from her seat, backing up slowly and away from me.

I whispered her name multiple times but she didn't answer me, still staring down in shock.

"Molly please you have to understand!! I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE!" I raised my voice and stood up.

"Gianna.. im sorry, but you can not stay here." With that, she fast walked towards the door, opening it for me to walk out.

"Please.. Molly I have no other place.." I looked at her with a knot in my throat.

"Get out of here you- you DEATH EATER." She yelled and I felt awful. Guilty. Because she was right.

"Please you don't understand!! You're the only one that could help me!" I could feel my bottom lip quiver.

Her expression went from fear and anger to a more soft one, a look of sympathy.

We both stayed standing and staring at each other, my sniffled sounds being the only noise around us.

After what seemed like hours, she took a deep breath and shut the door. I sighed as she did this, taking it as her letting me stay. She turned around to make her way upstairs but stopped, turning her head sideways.

"I know you Gia, but please don't make me regret this." Is all she said before making her way up.

I sat on the couch with my head in my hands, my fingers gripping the roots of my hair.
After a long and stressful day, I fell asleep right away.
I leaned my head on a pillow and brought my feet up on the couch, curling my body under a thin blanket.

When I heard voices around me, I opened my eyes slowly.
I noticed my surroundings had changed as I was no longer in the living room, but in the Twins bedroom.

I rubbed my eyes as I sat up to look at the two siblings.

"Morning Gia!" They both said as they jumped onto the bed where I sat.

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