Chapter T H I R T N E E N

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            this chapter contains smut.

"And when I saw you there, looking like a princess, I was proud to call you my daughter..."

The loud birds chirping and the Malfoy dogs barking woke me up from my sleep.

I looked over at the clock, 2:36pm.

Fuck. I quickly jumped out of bed and put my silk robe on to run downstairs.

In the kitchen was Narcissa along with the house elves making food for the event occurring later tonight.

"Gia! Good afternoon!" She came up and gave me a hug.

"Hey Cissy. Smells great!" She let me go,

"Thank you dear. Got up late don't you think? Staying up thinking about Draco? Or is it Jackson?"

"Cissy! Neither!" She laughed as she went back to slicing vegetables.

She suggested I go up and start getting ready since guest would start to appear around 4.

I ran back upstairs and was heading to my room, hearing the boys laughing in Draco's room.

I smiled to myself, shutting my door behind me and headed to take a shower.

I turned the water on, no even waiting for it to warm up and got it, the ice cold water making me gasp as it hit my warm body.

I got over the coldness, and spread soap all over my body roughly, going slow on my left arm where my mark was.

No new cuts had been made since Draco seemed to check up on it often.
I did it to him too, randomly pulling up his sleeve when we were alone to make sure he hadn't been harming.
And he wasn't, making me proud of him.

Ever since Tom found out about it too, he would frequently ask if I was alright or if I needed to talk about anything.
I tried returning the favor, checking up on him as well but he never did any attempt to communicate with me.

After I finished showering, I placed my robe on and brushed my teeth.
Looking in the mirror I saw small eyebags under my eyes. They weren't too noticeable from afar but from up close, they were.

I stayed in my robe as I did my makeup and hair. Tieing my very curled hair in a ponytail just like Narcissa said for my crown.
As for my makeup, I used more than usual. Adding glitter eyeshadow, eyeliner and a dark red lipstick that was totally out of my comfort zone. But then again this was a once-a-year thing.

I headed downstairs to the kitchen for a drink, seeing the dining table full of all kinds of foods.

I looked around, seeing there was no one around I grabbed a cupcake and ran back upstairs quickly but making sure not to spill my water.

"Gia?" I jumped as I saw Blaise in front of me. I put the dessert behind my back, trying to seem discreet.

"Blaise! Hi!" He smiled. He was neatly dressed in his grey suite.

"What are you doing? What are you hiding?" My eyes widened.

"Uh nothing!" I rushed back to my dorm as I heard him yell behind me,

"Is that a cupcake!? There's CUPCAKES!?" I heard his footsteps rush down to the kitchen as I closed the door and laughed.

As I sat in my chair eating my treat, I looked at the time, a quarter till' four.

I muttered cuss words to myself as I stood up and reached for my dress that layed on my bed.
I put it on, forgetting that it wasn't very light.
I struggled to get the zipper on the back up, yelling in frustration.

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