My little secret

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Yoongi's POV

I ask Jungkook to unpack his bag and all he does is nod and take out a pink sandclock and place it on the bed side table.

"Who is girly now?" I comment.

"This used to belong to my little sister, she loved it for some reason" he says as a sigh leaves his mouth.

"Umm sorry if I said something I shouldn't have"I try apologizing.

Probably it isn't the right time to ask him about his family and his past. I mean seriously we just met, I barely know the guy

Nobody's POV

Yoongi snaps out of his thoughts when he hears a knock on their bedroom door

"Dinner is ready" his mother says before leaving to inform others.

"Let's go eat" Yoongi says before grabbing the elders wrist and dragging him downstairs.

Everyone gets settled on the table

Yoongi's POV

I couldn't help but stare at Jungkook while I eat. For some reason Jungkook seems to be playing around with his food. My mind starts racing and all these thoughts come in my head ' why isn't he eating? This isn't healthy right? Someone make him eat?!?! '

I snap out of my thoughts for the 3rd time today but this time because of Jungkook sudden motion of standing up.

"Won't you eat?" my father questions

"Umm..... no thanks I am full and I have a lot of homework due so I gotta get a head start"
Jungkook says before heading back to their room.

Lie. They didn't get any homework today. What's he hiding?

"Bro it would be good if you were half as worried about school work as him" Mina says.

I huff and finish eating.

Jungkook's POV

As I reach the room I lay flat on the bed my eyes wandering around the sandclock then all of the sudden memories of Jisoo come flashing by.

Tears streaming down my face I reach into my wallet and take out a white powder substance in a ziplock bag from the small compartment. I put it on a piece of paper and snort it down not caring for the world.

after I am done I throw the paper in the trash can and stare at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. I suddenly start feeling better as if a weight had been lifted off my chest. Hoping noone would walk in considering the fact that I was high as hell.

But sadly I was high enough to forget I was living in a shared bedroom.

Nobody's POV

Yoongi walk's into the bedroom only to find Jungkook staring into the abyss

"What are you looking at?" the brunette questions

"NoThiiNg" Jungkook answers in a sqeaky voice before coughing

"Are you high!?!?" The younger male shreaks

"Shut the fuck up it's none of your business" Jungkook answers abruptly

"You take drugs? Oh my god. My dad will kill you if he finds out!"

"And who's gonna tell him?" Jungkook says with a husky voice as he stands up and comes closer to Yoongi he stops as his face is inches away from the younger


Yoongi panics and steps back remembering what his father would do if he found out he was gay

"I am s-sorry" Yoongi says as he slowly makes himself under the comforter on his bed.

Jungkook does the same making sure he doesn't make Yoongi uncomfortable by getting too close to him thinking his crush hates him now

They both have a sleepless night thinking of all the things that could possibly happen between them.

Authors Note:
Ayyy yo I hope you like it so far. There is gonna be a plot twist in the next one stay tuned💜💜💜

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