Without warning, Renee completely disregarded the shaking of Edward's head that he had been trying to stop her with and started tapping loudly on her daughter's window. 

Ophelia gasped, not expecting the loud noise. She felt uncomfortable, like some sort of fish in a tank. "Who is it Edward?" She asked. 

"Your mother." 



Ophelia sat anxiously at the dining room table, trying hard not to show how uncomfortable she was. 

"I was really disappointed when only one of my daughter's came to visit me in Florida. I missed you," the older woman spoke. Her voice came out sweet, but even Edward couldn't help cringe at the hidden guilt tripping in her words. 

"I was spending the weekend with dad. We wanted to go camping and fishing before the weather got too bad." Ophelia was grateful when Kingsley laid his head on her lap to calm her down. Something about her mother brought back all the years of anxiety she dealt with whilst living with her. 

Renee hummed in disapproval at the big dog. She never did like Kingsley. Charlie was the one that scraped what little bit of money he had for Ophelia to get Kingsley and have him properly trained. Ophelia always suspected that that was the real reason her mom disliked the dog so much. 

"You live with your father. Surely you know you should have visited me instead." 

Edward glared at the wall he was hidden behind, a lame attempt at giving the two privacy. Her thoughts were so selfish and negative, and he could tell that Ophelia was beginning to crack under her mother's scolding. 

"I lived with you for 17 years and I only got to visit dad a handful of times," she retorted shakily. 

"Your father," Renee paused, harsh eyes directed at the small girl, "was unfit for you to visit. He works too much and you would have been home all by yourself." 

"Bella would have been with me and dad would have gladly taken time to spend with me."

"And you think it's fair to her to have to watch over you all the time? For Charlie to take time off work to spend time with you?" 

Ophelia's lip wobbled, and she was trying desperately not to let her emotions get the better of her. "You never liked us being with dad. You spent more time with your boyfriends than us but you still thought you should be held on some kind of pedestal above dad just because you left him. Dad would have never kept us from you just because he was scared we'd love you more." 

Ophelia was secretly terrified. For once, she was finally speaking up about much it had upset her growing up being apart from Charlie, whom she felt more connected and love from compared to her mom.

"Charlie couldn't possibly take care of you both. You have enough problems as is with your disability," she said the word as if it left a nasty taste in her mouth and Ophelia choked on the tears that threatened to roll down her face. "Not to mention your anxiety issues." 

"How dare you!" Edward snapped, coming around the corner to stare angrily at the so called "mother" sitting at the table. "That beautiful girl sitting across from you is far from disabled, and she is most definitely not a problem! She is the most capable and caring person I have ever met and you should be ashamed of yourself that you dare try to make her believe otherwise. In the 17 years that you had Ophelia in your custody, you should be thanking Bella for taking care of her when you lacked at your job and vice versa."

"And to even think  about degrading Charlie's parenting would make you even more incompetent than you already are. In the time that I have known him he has done nothing but protect and love his daughter's so intensely. I wish you could see the relationship him and Ophelia have because then you could see just how bad of a decision it was to keep them away from each other for so long." 

Edward seethed, his words shooting out like venom towards the woman before him. His entire body shook, and he knew he'd have to calm down before coming anywhere near the goddess that was sat merely five feet away from him. 

Renee's face was red, and she looked back at Ophelia angrily and scoffed. "This is the man you want to marry? You're going to let him speak to me this way? Are you forgetting that he left  you? He left you in broken shambles and you're simply letting him back into your life and letting him speak to your mother this way. Did you even ask what he did or who he was with while you were broken up?" 

It was then that Ophelia let a single tear drop, and even Kingsley who had been growling at Renee the second she began raising her voice at the small girl stopped. 

"Where were you?" 

"What?" Renee rolled her eyes. 

"Where, were, you?" Ophelia enunciated. "When I was broken, and in shambles, where were you?" 

Renee let out a dry laugh, looking back and forth between Edward and Ophelia. 

Before she could respond, Ophelia spoke up again. "Because I know where Bella was. She was spending every bit of her free time making sure I was okay, that I was eating, and letting me stay in her bed just to make sure I was getting enough sleep." 

Edward's head dropped too. It was still difficult for him to hear how much he hurt her when he left, and he felt incredibly guilty once again. 

"And I know where dad was. He took so much time off work just to watch over me. He changed his schedule so that he had to work late nights so that he could take care of me during the day while Bella was at school. And at nights, when Bella couldn't console me, dad would rock me back and forth or tell me stories until I could calm down enough to sleep. As if I was a child again. The child he didn't get to do that with because you robbed him of it." 

"So I'm going to ask you again. Where were you?" 

Renee stuttered, unsure of how to answer. "You know that I was traveling with Phil. If you had to come back you could have. What did you wa-" 

"Get out," Ophelia whispered. 


"Get. Out." Ophelia's voice didn't waver this time. It simply sounded broken. 

"What about the wedding?" 

"I don't know who invited you but I sure as hell didn't. I don't want you there. Now please leave before I call the police to escort you off the property, and I know you wouldn't want dad to be the one to do it." 

Edward walked behind Renee, as if insuring that she would leave. 

Stubbornly, she turned around and glared at him. "She's going to regret that." 

He snarled, making her lean back in fear. Bending down to look Renee in the eyes he spoke clearly, the same hatred lacing his voice as before. 

"You were bad wife and a worse mother. You will no longer have any part in my wife's life after all the pain you have caused. Enjoy your ride back to Florida."

And with that, he slammed the door in her face.  

I know Renee wasn't this bad in the books and movies, (I didn't really like her character that much in that version either) but for my story I made her this way. Sorry lol 


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