Chapter 1

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"Regulus supper is here," Walburga called as she walked into the house holding a pizza box. Regulus looked up from his book that he was reading in the living room. He gently closed the book and walked to help his mother.

"Pizza on a Friday night? We've become all too American mother," Regulus joked as he pulled out two plates and served each of the two slices.

Walburga didn't respond to Regulus's joke, like usual, and instead just grabbed her plate then headed towards her office. Regulus sighed before grabbing his phone and sitting at the table.

As Regulus scrolled through his phone the all too familiar text tone went off. He clicked on the notification to see what James wanted from him.

Let's go out tonight Reg. Peter and I are bored.

Regulus rolled his eyes before replying. What about Remus?

He claims he's perfectly happy reading 🙄

Well maybe he is

Regulus could practically hear James sigh.

But that's boring!!!!!

"Regulus! Come here a second," Walburga called from her office. Regulus put his phone down and wiped his hands before getting up and walking towards his mother.

"Yes, mother?" Regulus asked in the most monotone voice he could muster.

The older woman finished typing what looked to be an email before turning to her son. "Sit," she commanded, "this is important."

Regulus sat down in a chair that was in front of her desk, waiting for his mother to say what she called him in for.

"I've been relocated back to London. I was told today at work that I'd have to move back to London."

Regulus stayed silent and his expression fell ever so slightly.

"I'm supposed to be back in London by the end of next week. You have until then to be ready to move." Walburga went back to writing her email and Regulus sat in silence.

"I can't go with you."

"Excuse me?" Walburga was taken back by the sudden outburst from her usually cooperative son.

"I can't go back to London with you. I have too much here that I'd be leaving behind," Regulus explained to his mother.

Walburga took a deep breath and focused her attention back on Regulus. She took a long drink from her mug, probably drinking tea. "Regulus we both knew coming to America was temporary. We both knew that we'd be back in London after a few years."

Silence fell upon them. Regulus knew she was right but that didn't change his mind. The silence was unnerving for both of them however neither of them wanted to break it.

"What do you suggest we do then my son? I can't leave you here and you can't just stay with those friends of yours for the rest of high school."

When Regulus stayed silent after that Walburga went back to writing.

"I can't just abandon everything I have here."

Walburga sighed and rubbed her hands over her face. "Then what do you propose we do?"

Regulus thought for a few seconds, trying to grab any solution he could think of. It hit him rather quickly and even he thought it was a dumb idea. Despite knowing the idea was that of a fool he still thought of a way to propose the idea. Deciding to just be blunt he took a deep breath and went for it.

"What about Sirius?"

"What about him?" Walburga asked in a rather distasteful tone, she spat the words out as if they were poison in her mouth.

"He's always wanted to come to America. He could care for me while you're away."

Walburga scoffed at the idea and didn't respond to him, hoping he'd let the suggestion go.

"Think about it mother. If you give him temporary legal guardianship over me then he could come to America and watch over me while you're in London. He's already finished high school and has been accepted to multiple universities in America as well. Some of which are very close."

"And how would he pay to take care of the both of you?" Walburga said trying to find anything to prove that Sirius would not be able to care for his younger brother.

"He'd get a job. I also have a job so it would be a team effort between the both of us. Mother please he's still your son-"

"That boy is not my son, Regulus. He's a disgrace to the Black family."

"Mother please he's gay not a murder," Regulus stated in an annoyed tone. Walburga didn't miss the eye roll that followed his statement.

"I will agree."

Regulus's eyes lit up.

"On a few conditions. Sirius needs to be here by Monday, if he doesn't have a job at the very most two weeks after I leave then you join me in London, if I find out he's not taking care of you at all then you join me in London, and if you start to fall behind in classes then you come to London. Do you understand Regulus?" Walburga asked firmly. Regulus nodded his head rapidly to which Walburga nodded once then motioned for him to get out.

As Regulus was leaving Walburga called out once more.

"Oh, and Regulus?"

The seventeen-year-old turned to face his mother once more.

"It's your job to tell him."

With a single nod and a hum of understanding, Regulus left her office and practically ran to his phone in the dining room. When he unlocked his phone, he saw multiple texts from James which he ignored at the moment. He went to the phone app and immediately searched for Sirius' contact.

The phone rang for a while and Regulus started to worry that Sirius wasn't going to pick up. It rang a few more times before Sirius picked up.

"Regulus time zones exist. It's late for me why are you calling?"

Sirius's voice was rough and you could tell he had been sleeping.

"Sorry for waking you but this couldn't wait for morning."

There was a sigh on the other end and Regulus worried Sirius would hang up thinking the younger boy was joking.

"What do you need little brother?" Sirus asked and Regulus smiled knowing Sirius would help him no matter the time.

Regulus knew his brother cared for him just like he did for him. When Walburga disowned Sirius and he ran Regulus was heartbroken. It had been so long before they started contacting one another again. Ever since they've been in contact.

"I need you to come to America."

"I'm sorry what?" Sirius sounded more awake now and Regulus could hear him moving around on the other side of the phone.

"By Monday." 

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