"We should probably be headed off to dinner now," I state quietly, slowly standing up.

I still felt slightly shaky from the lesson, though definitely much more stable than I was earlier.

"Right," Harry nods in agreement, standing up as well.

We walk to dinner in silence, though it wasn't too awkward because we could hear the noise from the Great Hall.

Harry and I had gotten more comfortable with each other ever since we started doing lessons. It was obviously awkward at first because we barely knew each other and were forced to open up a lot within the lessons, though it got more comfortable once we both realized we couldn't do it.

It was sad, really, but comforting.

Once we reached the Great Hall, I waved goodbye with a polite smile then made my way to the Slytherin table.

I took a seat next to Pansy, greeting her before beginning to add food to my plate.

"How was the lesson?" Pansy asks as she takes a bite of food.

Pansy knew about the lessons I was doing with Harry, though couldn't care enough to actually know what we were learning.

"Good. Tiring, but good." I answer truthfully.

She nods slightly at me, as she takes another bite of food.

Once I'm done eating, I talk and laugh with some of my other friends, waiting for Dumbledore to announce whatever he was announcing.

In every students last class, they were told that Dumbledore had an announcement to make at dinner, and to wait for him to speak before leaving the Great Hall.

I would've been confused, or thought it was weird, but at this point I didn't find anything weird when it came to that man. I was used to his strange attitude that reminded me slightly of a toddler.

"Students-" his voice says loudly, gaining most of the Hall's attention. "May I have your attention please." He finishes, though it's more of a demand than a question.

I turn my body to look at him, setting the fork down that I was playing with just a few moments ago.

"Professor Mcgonagall has an exciting announcement to make," he smiles excitedly.

His eyes make contact with mine for a split second before he steps down, letting Mcgonagall take his place.

"Hello everyone," Mcgonagall speaks, a warm smile on her face. "I've expected most of you to forget about it by now, but tonight I will be announcing our spring musical."

An applause fills the air, though it's hard for me to hear it over my loud heartbeat.

She was right, I had totally forgotten about the musical. Not only that, but also that she asked me to audition for it.

I bite my bottom lip anxiously, my eyes glued to her as thoughts fill my head.

I knew it was the word that was making me so anxious. The idea of Hogwarts performing a musical did sound exciting, honestly, but just the word reminded me of so much.

I take a deep breath in, exhaling shakily as my nerves calm down.

"The musical we will be performing this spring is," she pauses for a dramatic affect.

A few students from the Gryffindor table start pounding the table, giving a drum roll affect on her pause.

She furrows her brows slightly at this, her gaze moving across each table in disbelief.

"Oh silence! Silence! None of that!" She yells annoyedly, her lips parted in slight shock.

Everyone stops immediately, quiet laughs filling the silence.

Once Mcgonagall feels as though it's quiet enough to speak, she parts her lips, and does just that.

"The musical we will be doing is," she smiles excitedly, pausing once more though this time there isn't any drum rolling.

"Beauty and the Beast."

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um so musical announcement😳✋

I have a plan for the story, because most of it actually happened in my own life. Obviously not going to Hogwarts or anything but most of the plot lines, twists, and moments are gonna be moments from my life and when I performed this musical:))

I think y'all are gonna like it and I'm really excited for everythingggg!

Also super random but I'm wondering what Hogwarts house y'all think I'm in? 😏

Anyways I love you mwahhh😗😗

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