12. is it really you

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💙Ok I just want to make this clear em this chapter is after the search comic but only if azula wasn't in it and ursa did know about azulas knew life.🤍 am kind of running out of ideas so if you want give me ideas in the comments.💛🤍💜💗💚💙🖤 sorry for no updating in a while

Ursa hasn't seen azula in years and she's wonder that azula would hate her.
Ursa and zuko and everyone else where heading back to the palace.

Mother I need to tell you something. Zuko said.

What is it sweety you can tell me anything. Ursa said.

Its azula she has been through alot and she sort of had hallucinations of you and well it drove her well insane. Zuko said.

Why did she go insane just by seeing me. Ursa said confused.

She can explain that her self but she has changed alot sense then. Zuko said.

Em that's em great. Ursa said.

They finally arrived home and azula and wan lee where playing with amber and Sahara by the pond.

Em zuko who is the man with long hair and two little girls by azula. Ursa said.

Oh I forgot that's amber and Sahara her   daughters and the man is her boyfriend.  Zuko said.

Wait what you never told me she had kids. Ursa said really confused.

Em well there not biological to her amber was found as a baby and Sahara was saved by her boyfriend because she was drowning in a river and because she was an orphan. Zuko said.
Your probably going to say azula never told zuko about how she found amber well she told him a couple weeks before he went to find his mother.😅

That's really nice of azula to take care of them. Ursa said.

Then a that moment azula looked over and saw her mother and worried she was hallucinations again. But then she realized it was really her because zuko turned his head to her. Then she stood up and ran to her mother and hugged her so much she nearly teared up.

Is really you. Azula said with a tear rolling down her face.

It really is me am so so so sorry I lefted you and zuko. Ursa said.

Mama who are you hugging. Amber said.

Well em am your grandmother. Ursa said while she bent down at Amber's highet. Amber then give her hug even though she has never met her before she knew she wasn't lying.

Aww that so cute. Katara and Aang said.

Yeah it is. Zuko said.

Mommy who are you hugging. Kiyi ask.

Em this is your cousin sweetheart. Ursa said.

Azula then went into pure shock on what she just heard. But then azula realized that it's ok because she knew that ursa had to get away from ozai and she probably started a new life. But azula was still upset that she left her and zuko.

Well my name is kiyi what is your name. Kiyi said kindly.

Em my name's amber. Amber said.

That a very pretty name. Kiyi said with a smile.

Em ah hi em my name is Sahara. Sahara said to. Kiyi and ursa shyly.

Nice to meet you. Ursa and kiyi said.

It's also nice to meet you am wan lee. Wan lee said.

So if you're my cousins and you're mom is my sister does that make you my niece's then.

Yes it does and  it is very complicated to explain all of it properly. Ursa said.

Yeah I agree it's quit em complicated. Azula said.

Once they finished talking they went inside to have dinner and catch up on each other's lives and ursa introduced ikem to azula and a bunch of other things. Then they went to get ready to go to bed.

Azula was walking along the long hallway to room when she saw kiyi by herself alone looking very lost.

Em kiyi are you lost because I been watching you going around the whole palace for last 20 minutes. Azula said.

Yeah am trying to look for are moms room but this palace is a massive it's like a maze. Kiyi said.

Yeah it is quite big come I well help you find her. Azula said.

Thanks your the best. Kiyi said smile on her face.

They walked to ursas room witch was not so far away from where they were and then they knocked on the door but no answer . But then they here small a screams and then azula knocked down the door to se a man with a knife at ursas throat.

Mommy what's going on. Kiyi said

Kiyi quickly ran and get to zuko his room is 5 rooms down from here quickly. Azula said a kiyi. Then kiyi rans quickly to zukos room.

What do want with my mother. Azula shouted at the man.

The man doesn't reply. Azula then realized who the man was. It was the man who kidnapped amber and tried to kill me.

Wait your the gay who kidnapped amber and tried to kill me. Azula said.

So you recognised who I am but do you really want to know who I actually am. The man said in a deep voice.

Azula then realized the voice and just looked at him with anger know completely knowing who he was.

Kiyi ran as fast as her legs can carry her.

ZUKO!ZUKO! Kiyi shouted at zuko to wake him up.

What what is it! Zuko replied.

It's mommy and auntie there in trouble there is a man trying to murder mommy.

Then zuko jump out of his bed and to ursas room he told kiyi to stay in his room and he kept a guard at the door.

Mom! Zuko shouted.

What do want from her. Zuko said.

IT'S ALL HER FAULT THAT I ENDED UP LIKE THIS IT'S ALL HER FAULT. The man said while holding his knife even closer to ursas throat.

What do you me her fault she didn't do anything. Zuko shouted at the man.

The man they removed his mask he was wearing.

Ozai? They all said.

Sorry for not posting I ran out of ideas.

Hope you like the chapter 💙🙂

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