9. secret date.

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It was the morning and azula was outside by the turtle duck pond. Then wan Lee walked outside.

So what you up to. Wan lee said to azula with a small smile.

Oh nothing am just setting here cause am bored. Azula said.

Well do you want to do something with me or just sit here and do nothing. Wan lee said .

I think doing something is more better.
Azula said.

Ok what about emmm a date. Wan lee said.

Ok but where and how are we supposed to go on a date with any one knowing and who is going to take care of amber. Azula said

Came down we can go on a picnic and we can sneak out at night and we can get one of the maids to take care of her but the maid has to be trust worthy to keep are secret. Wan lee said.

Ok.said. Then she did a quick kiss on the cheek and stood up and walked away before anyone noticed.

Night time.

You ready to go. Wan lee said.

Yeah but how are we supposed to sneak past the guards. Azula said.

We just say we are going on a midnight walk. Wan lee said.

Ok let's go. Azula said.

They went to the big fire nashion doors.

Hey you two what are you doing out at this hour. One of the guards said.

Azula took her hood and and me and my em friend are going for some fresh air.

Sorry your highness I didn't realise it was you. The guard said while bowing.

It's fine I forgive you. Azula said.

Thank you your highness. The guard said.

They walked on and tried to find a place to have there picnic. Then they found a river and they sat beside it and ate some of the food they brought.

So this is nice. Wan lee said.

Yeah and the sky is beautiful tonight. Azula said.

Yeah it is. Wan lee said while he look at azula while azula was looking at the beautiful sky.

Azula then lead over and put her head on azula and the just sat there looking the stars.

2 hours later

We should get going its getting really cold. Azula said.

Yeah we should. Wan lee said.

Azula then slipped and fell into the river. The wan lee took his shirt off and jumped in after. Here's the bad thing azula never was taught how to swim and she was drowning. Wan lee then  caught azula and lefted her bridely style.

Your freezing. Wan lee said to azula.

Here have my shirt it can warm you up azula then hugged him because she was so scared and cold.

I didn't know how to swim. Azula said.

It's ok at least your safe now. Wan lee said.

They he kissed her on lips to make her feel better.

Thanks that helped. Azula said with a small smile.

Once they dried up they walked back. To the palace.

WHERE WORE YOU I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU FOR AGES. And why are you all wet. Zuko shouted

I can explain. Azula said.

Zuko then noticed that she was with someone.

And who might you be. Zuko said.

Wan lee took his hood off.

Oh it's you where you to you know. Zuko said.

Ewww no we weren't. Azula said in discuss.

I feel like you where. Zuko said.

No I wasn't. Azula said.

Yes you wore.

No azula said

Yes zuko said

No azula sad

Yes zuko said

Yes azula said.

Yes I knew it from the start. Zuko said.

You have been spying on us that's creepy.

No it's not I want to know what my little sister up to. Zuko said.

Well just keep it a sceact we don't want anyone to know yet. Azula said.

Oh ok so it's like a sceact love story where you can't be together but your sceactly dating. Zuko said sarcastically.

Oh my God your so dumb zuko. Azula said.

Well am going to keep an eye on you wan something what ever your name is . Zuko said.

Em ok..k..k wan lee said.

Am just joking but like am serious don't break her heart. Zuko said to wan lee.

I have a question why are you wet. Zuko said confused.

Oh I fell into a river and wan lee saved me. You know mom or dad never taught us to swim. Azula said.

Well thank you wan lee. Zuko said.

It's fine. Wan lee said.

Azula then went to her room and got change out of her wet clothes and changed into her pyjamas. Then she saw amber sleeping on her bed with her doll. Azula then give her a kiss on the forehead.

Goodnight azula whispered and then she went to bed and fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed

Next chapter coming soon 💚❤💙💛♥️🙂🙃🙂🙃

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