3. after all theses years part 2

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It's been 3 hours since they left to go to the fire nashion castle and amber feel asleep on azulas shoulder. Is she your actual child or like is she adopt. Katara said whispering. She told katara. What horrible mother to leave a poor baby in the wild to die like that to wild animals. I know its horrible. Azula said. You really have changed. Said katara.

The next morning

Every woke from there sleep. Except katara and azula. We are finale here. Said katara. Finally. Said amber and azula. Zuko was waiting for us at the castle ground's because we sent him a letter to wait for us because where nearly there. Hopefully mai and ty lee aren't there I don't want to see them at the moment. Azula was thinking. There azulas ex best friends.

They landed on the ground and every hug zuko except azula and amber. Because they haven't seen each other in  
2 years. Azula. Zuko said with a tear rolling down his cheek with a smile on his face. He ran over to azula and hug her and said sorry over and over again. Azula just keep on saying it's ok every time he said sorry for putting her in the asylum. With a smile on her face. Then zuko noticed there was a little girl standing behind azula. He said to the little girl. So who might you be. Zuko said to the little girl. My name is amber and is your name zuko my mommy told me about you. Zuko was really shocked like really really shocked. Emm yes my name is zuko. He said with a smile. Amber ran over and hug him even though she had never met her uncle before but in the storys azula told her him seemed really nice . Oh. Zuko said with a smile on his while amber was hugging him. Shall we go inside. Said zuko.  Zuko hold her had while going inside. It's really sweet how zuko is being really nice too amber. Aang and katara said. Every one else smiled.

So do you want to go to the turtle duck pond. Zuko said to amber with a smile on he's face. Ok amber said with a cute smile on her face. They where walk over to the turtle duck pond and amber was skipping. Azula look at amber skipping and she was smiling know that she really like him.

After zuko took her took her inside the palace and he said. Where do want to sleep. Could I sleep near my mommy please. Of course you can. Zuko said with a smile on his face.

This is the final part of after all these years I hope you liked it

To be honest I nearly cried writing this 😅

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