4. stolen away

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It's was the middle of the night and everyone was asleep except azula she couldn't sleep and didn't know why. Amber fell asleep beside her because she was to scared to sleep alone in  a new place.

Azula went to the kitchen for a midnight snack to see if it would make her tried . Then she was walking back to her room and heard a  big bang it sounded like widows crushing open. Azula ran to her room and saw a person taking amber azula tried to stop the person but was to late and the person was gone.

Azula ran to zukos room as fast as she could and she shouted to zuko SOMEONE KIDNAPPED AMBER!!!!. Zuko Immediately woke up and said WHAT!.zuko got up and ran to azulas room. When he got there he looked out her window and saw a person holding amber. Azula looked at zuko. She said.
What are we going to do. We need to go after her. With a tear rolling down her face. I don't know. Zuko said with a worried face. I have an Idea let's see if june will help us. You know because she has this creature thing that can smell really well and maybe it could help us find Amber. Ok but where are we going to find her. I think I know where she is.

Azula and zuko told everyone what happened and they all felt really sorry for azula. Aang let zuko and azula take appa to go find june. Azula looked really sad like a part of her was missing. Zuko thought while looking at azula.

It took about 6 hours to get there azula feel asleep from all the worrying. Zuko heard a loud scream and hard breathing. Zuko looked at azula she had a nightmare because the fear in her eyes where so scared looking. Azula! Are you ok did you have a nightmare?.zuko asked azula. Azula didn't answer. She just looked away and ignored zuko. Zuko is now really concerned about azula. Zuko then entered a bar that june was dealing people for gold. Zuko and azula entered the bar and it smelled horrible. They tried to ignore the smell. Zuko put a sack of gold coins on front of june. Zuko said. Can you help us find someone,and why would I help you. Zuko said,you can all the gold coins in this bag if you help us. DEAL!!!. June said with a smirk on her face. First of all who are we looking for exactly. Azula said. Her names amber and we need to find her.

Why do we to find her. June said. Azula and zuko said. NONE OF YOU BUSINESS.

So do you a have something over hers so like we can track the smell. June said. Em yes I have this doll of hers. Azula said. Ohhh so she's a kid. June said. Is it his or your kid. June said. Its mine. Azula said.

So zuko and azula got on appa and june
Got on her pet.

Zuko was following June and she shouted. We are close. Azula started to wonder why that person took amber. Azula thought could it be one of my old enemy's or someone else.

We are here june shouted up at zuko and azula. Zuko landed appa and hid him. It was a cave a very long cave. Well whereas my gold I showed you where she's is now can I have it. June said. Zuko handed her the bag and she left. Azula and zuko went into the cave. It was dark but zuko and azula used there firebending as a light. Zuko then heard crying coming from a two way Tunnel. Azula took right and zuko took left. Zuko kept on hearing the crying get louder and louder. Zuko found a door he ran over to see amber crying in the room zuko breaks down the door. Amber scared out of her mind. Then she realized it was uncle zuko. She runs up to him and hug him. Amber says. The bad man is going to the other room because theres two Tunnels. Wheres mommy is she here. Amber says. Zuko grabbed and lefted amber and ran to the other tunnel. The man is strangling azula. Mommy. Amber shouted. AZULA! Zuko shouted. leave without  me go. Azula said with a low breath. NO!! zuko ran and firebent the man he couldn't bend back.

Then he ran away but very slowly. Azula then passed out on the floor. Zuko went over to azula and Lefted her. Then he holded Amber's hand.

Zuko put azula on appa and lefted amber on. Zuko put a blanket over azula and amber. Amber sat beside azula and fell asleep.

Then zuko said. YIP YIP to appa. Zuko went as fast as possible. To the palace.
And landed safely.

Sorry I didn't post in a while

Hope you enjoyed it.


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