5. Getting better

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They finally got back to the fire nashion. Zuko lefted amber off appa and then azula. Everyone ran over
To zuko with azula in his arms passed out.

What happened. Aang said.

Some man tried to kill her. Zuko said.

We need to use spirit water to heal her. Katara said.

Sokka and toph took her to her room to put her to sleep. But she was to worried about her mom to fall asleep. She kept on trying to see her mom but zuko kept on seeing her trying to sneak in. Zuko did want her to see her mother being Beat up and covered in bruises and scars.

Why not aloud to see mommy. Amber said with her head pointing down with a sad face.

She is emm sleeping you don't want to wake her up do you. Zuko said.

No I don't want to wake her up. Amber said hugging zuko.

Zuko was lying he didn't want her to know what really happened because the only part she saw was zuko lifting azula up off the floor.

1 week later

Its been a week and azula steak hasn't woken up. Zuko said to Aang.

We don't know we she's going to wake up. Aang said.

Zuko,Aang. Azulas waking up. Katara said .

Zuko and Aang ran to the hospital wing where azula was.

They quietly walked in. Then azula sat up on her bed.

Where am I. Azula said. Your in the hospital wing. Zuko said. Oh so that man really did hurt me I thought it was dream. Ahhh my neak really hurts.

Just keep still until your better. Zuko said to azula.

Is amber ok can I see her. Azula said.

Sure let me go get her. Zuko said.

Zuko walked out and went to get amber.

Amber was playing with her doll.

Hey amber do you want to see your mommy. Zuko said very sweetly.

Yes. Amber said and she ran over and hug zuko. Zuko just smiled

Let's go. Zuko said while carrying amber in his arms.

Zuko and amber walked into the hospital wing. Where azula was.

Mommy. Amber shouted.

Amber. Azula said. Azula hug amber.

Aww that's so sweet. Katara said.

You should let your mom rest. Zuko said to amber.

But she just woke up. Amber said.

Yeah I just woke up. Azula said.

It's fine go play with your dolls for a bit
And you can come see my later ok. Azula said.

Ok mommy. Amber said.

Zuko took amber to her room to play and got one the maids to watch and take care of her.

Is your head ok you hit ground quite hard. Zuko said.

Maybe just a little fuzzy but it doesn't hurt as much as before. Azula said.

Next morning

Everyone was awake but azula. She was really tried and she sleep the whole night. Amber sneak in to see azula. She wanted to see azula so bad. She sneak past the guards without them hearing a thing. I guess she got from her mother.

Mom mom mom wake up let's play with my dolls. Amber was whispering.

Its really early to play but sure I will play but be very quiet we don't want to wake everyone up. Azula said with a smile.

Ok. Amber whispered

Everyone was now awake. Amber fell asleep in her mom's arms and azula slept with her. Katara always went to azula first in the morning to do a healing session.

Katara walked in on amber sleeping with azula. Katara thought it was really cute. She has never seen azula so gentle before.

Azula it's time to wake up you have to do are Last healing session.

Azula woke up but lefted amber on the bed still asleep. She didn't want to wake her up.

You ready. Katara said.

Yeah. Azula said.

When they where done. Amber woke up and wondered where her mommy is 
She looked every where and she was walking long the hallway then she found her she was in the kitchen getting a drink.

Oh you're awake. Azula said with a smile.

I have been looking for you for ages. Amber said.

Well am here now do you want breakfast. Azula said.

Yay. Amber said in a sweet voice.

Ok let's get you cherries your favourite. Azula said to amber with a smile.

I hope you liked it and the next chapter will be coming soon. 💛💙❤💚🙂

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