Photo Album

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Hey guys! This one shot uses the Alex x Ollie ship, which was established in the first chapter. I would recommend reading that first, but it'll be fine if you don't as well.

For this one you guys might have to read 'Double Date' as well, to get some more information about my other characters Danny and Jennifer.


"Hey honey... I forgot to ask earlier, but did you finally pick out the last picture for the photo wall?" Julia reminded her son with a gentle smile, as she placed a plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies on the centre table.

It had almost been a week since the teen was tasked to choose one of the three pictures to put up in the living room, everyone in the family getting to select one each.

Both Julia and Rhea had already made their decision and now the only one they were waiting on was their son.

"I looked over all the pictures in the album mom, and I can't decide. They are all so bad!" Alex whined, "Why are we framing my embarrassing childhood pics again? I look so much better now."

"What do you mean embarrassing?! They are all so cute..." Julia furrowed her brows in confusion and disbelief.

"Oh please mom, we all know that mushroom cut was doing me no favors." The blonde teen answered, looking unimpressed.

"C'mon, let us have this." Rhea appeared from behind the sofa where the teen was sitting, and gently ruffled his hair. "You're gonna happily run off to university in six months, and all your old Mom and Ma are gonna have left to keep us company are those photos."

"You talk about it as if I'm dying or something. I'm gonna come back you know?" Alex reminded.

"That's what they all say." Rhea shook her head with a sigh. She then grabbed a cookie, and sunk into the sofa beside her wife.

"Don't worry Ma, you can't get rid of me that easily. Plus I'm gonna need money." The blonde joked.

"Have kids they said. It'll be fun they said." Rhea rolled her eyes with an amused expression.

Alex was about to argue when a small voice added to the conversation, "I wanna see your childhood photos."

"Not you too short stack." The jock looked towards his boyfriend with a betrayed expression.

He was embarrassed to admit it, but he had kind of forgotten Ollie was there. It wasn't his fault the boy got so quiet sometimes!

"Wait, haven't you already seen them?" Alex remembered.

"We have only shown him the ones from middle school up, you dragged him away before we could bring out the older albums from the back." Julia informed.

"C'mon, it'll be fun. I can help you decide." Ollie looked up at the older teen with his large puppy eyes.

That wasn't fair! How was Alex supposed to say no to that?!

"Fine." The older teen gave in with a reluctant sigh. "But you're not allowed to laugh or make fun of me."

"Danny says they can help too!" Ollie added excitedly, "Can I call them too please? It'll be so fun!"

"Sure, why don't we just invite the whole universe to see my baby pics?!" Alex responded sarcastically.

"Great, cuz they're already here." Ollie beamed, making both the older teen's mothers laugh.

[Boy x Boy One-shots] Falling, Falling, FallenWhere stories live. Discover now