First Day

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It's been three months since the Entrance Exam,Gojira hadn't exactly been doing anything but napping. He's only been staying home while waiting for the mail,but something else was on his mind. That vision he had while taking down the 0pt bothered him for the rest of the 3 months.

He wanted to shrug it off but it would always come back to him at unexpected moments. He told his father about the name “Ghidorah” but he didn't have a clue who or what that was. Gojira had been clearing his mind by visiting the beach behind his house,it worked for at least a day or so.

Today he could be seen in his room gulping and slurping up some noodles from a bowl. But his feasting would come to an end by a knock by the door.

Serizawa:Gojira,your envelope is here!

The sound of excitement came from his father,so Gojira didn't exactly have to question what he was talking about. He opened his door to see his grinning father holding an envelope,with a red stamp,in his hand. Gojira grabbed it and pulled it into his room,before he could say anything Serizawa spoke first.

Serizawa:I'll leave you too it!

He shuts the door leaving a mouth opens Gojira. He shuts his gaping maw and walks to his desk with a casual look. He took a seat and tried ripping open the envelope, which was apparently harder than it looked.

Gojira: c'mon...

He then used all his strength to tear it open and a disc like figure dropped onto the desk. Gojira drops the shredded paper on the floor and examines the disc.

Gojira:am I supposed to put this in a dvd player or-

Suddenly,a holographic screen,with the great hero All Might on it,appeared from the disc.



This spooks Gojira who falls back he gets back up to stares back at the hologram.

All Might:Young Serizawa,your incredible light show has left everyone here in shock. Using your remarkable quirk to crush your way into the battlefield earned you 80 points! But that's not all,after saving Ejirou Kirishima from a devastating attack you have also earned 30 rescue points!

Gojira:hmph,so that's two things the loud mouth left out.

Gojira rolls his eyes while saying so.

All Might:with that,I am proud to announce that you passed the exam! Congratulations Mr. Serizawa,and welcome to your Hero Academia.

The hologram disappears,once that happened Gojira looked down with a huff and puff. Gojira then clenched his fist and closed his eyes.

Gojira:this is for you,mom.

Ishiro watches with the door slightly open. A smiled was put into his face but it quickly turned into a frown once hearing about his deceased wife.

Gojira stands outside in his school uniform, looking upon the hero school before him. He takes a deep breath and breaths out.

Gojira:here we go...

He then hears another set of footsteps approaching beside him. He looks to the side to the same broccoli haired kid from the entrance exam. He was staring upon the school as well,that is until he and Goji met eyes.

He quickly turned away while Gojira kept his glance with a raised brow.

Broccoli hair:‘It's that guy from the Entrance Exam’

Gojira:‘It's that kid...he actually passed the exam’hmm...

After examining him Gojira turned back to UA and walked in. The broccoli haired boy followed behind. Once they got into the school they split up to search for their classes. But they would always bump into each other with the broccoli hair not knowing where he was going.

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