Entrance Exam

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Gojira stomps into action, running with the others. Though he tried to split away from the group,he wouldn't be able to get any bots with this group around him. He started stomping faster past the group in surprisingly great speed for someone who's regularly slow. He spots a 1pt that appeared unaware of his coming.

He clenched his fist and punches the bot with ease. A hole was put into the 1pt's chest,he pulls his arm out then searches for any higher points. He runs off into the distance to find a trio of two 2pt and a sing 3pt. A smile crept on his face,but before he was able to run off to retrieve the three he noticed the two sets of missile launchers on the 3pt.

He quickly moves to the side as two missiles blow up in the place he was in. He looked in shock at this.

Gojira:‘where the hell did they get the funding for all this’

He quickly jolted from his cover before it was quickly destroyed by another missile. Suddenly,the two 2pts approached him which he didn't find a problem. The one that was getting close to him,he jumped high in the air and performed a drop kick knocking the bot to the ground. Once he landed he stomped on the 2pt's head destroying it.

He looked up at the other 2pt before being smacked aside. He quickly gets up without a scratch and runs back at the 2pt. They both dashed at each other before out of no where,a person landed a hit at the bot destroying it. Goji blinked a few times,and out of the rubble was Kirishima.

Gojira:hey,I had that one!

Kirishima:it looked like you needed help,you're welcome!

Gojira:I was doing fine until you showed up!

He looked at Kirishima in anger before sprinting at him. He looked in helpless worry.

Kirishima:h-hey, I don't think we're supposed to fight each other!

But Gojira only tackled him aside as a missile explodes in their spot.


Gojira gets back up with Kirishima doing the same.


Gojira:not the time.

They both look at the destructive 3pt.

Kirishima:do you think you can take that thing on?

Gojira huffed.

Gojira:with enough time,yes,but before the entrance exam ends,no.

Kirishima smiles.

Kirishima:I got your back. So what's the plan?

Gojira:we both attack at the same time. Even though it has two missile launchers, I'm pretty sure it can only focus on one target. I'll let you have the first hit,and since you already took my 2pt I'll land the final hit.

Kirishima:sounds fair.


They both run far from each other as the 3pt misses another blasts. It aims at Kirishima but Gojira was able to get it's attention.

Gojira:hey,over here!

It turns to him and prepared to blast at Goji as Kirishima's arm hardens like a rock. He lands a hard fistful of power into it's body knocking it a few feet back. It's attention returned to Kirishima who quickly backed up. Goji ran up some debris and had his fist ready in the air. The 3pt notices this and fires at him.


The blast hits Gojira in chest exploding into him.

Kirishima: Gojira!

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