Oxygen flooded through Jimin's nostrils and filled his lungs- washing away the poison tainting his mind and squeezing his heart, "I want to live." Jimin breathed out, waving away the negative emotions with his words.

The pride, fear and helplessness were replaced by determination and excitement. Jimin swung his head around and eyed the surrounding are,  and just as he lowered the gun until his wrist touched his knee, a loud rumble flooded into the surrounding area and knocked on Jimin's eardrums.

Jimin immediately reached out to slam the weapons case shut before shooting up to his feet and whirling around to face the direction of the screeching car. Brown strands of hair swayed along Jimin's forehead and twisted in front of his eyes as he watched the black Volvo with tinted windows speed towards him.

The car came closer and closer with each roll of its wheels, leaving behind a cloud of dust in its wake. Jimin exhaled a steady breath and allowed his lips to curl into a confident smirk as he tightened his hold on the weapons case and raised the other hand to point his gun at the driver's side of the car.

Jimin didn't know if it was Yoongi, or not, but what he knew was that he won't take any chances. He needed that car to get to a safe house, grab a fake passport and get out of this country. Maybe France will be his first destination and then Jimin can proceed to bounce around Europe before travelling somewhere south.

Just as the car was about to hit Jimin, it screeched to a halt the last second- barely brushing against Jimin's joggers, and causing pebbles to fly through the air and bounce off of the kitten. Jimin's brow rose and smirk didn't disappear, he watched the car with squinted eyes as it purred back at him with a smirk of its own.

The tinted windows prevented him from catching a glimpse of the driver until the door finally cracked open and a heavy boot slammed into the ground. Just as Jimin's lips parted and the threats on his tongue were about to scramble forward, the driver rose out of the car and stared back at Jimin with wide bambi eyes.

Jimin's lips smacked shut and gun lowered at the sight of Jungkook cautiously eying him- eyes flicking from the gun grasped between Jimin's hands and to the case hanging in his other hand.

"Hey." Like a needle, Jimin's voice stabbed into the balloon filled with silence, popping it and allowing both boys to slump in relief at the sight of each other, "Ill get in the car." Jimin awkwardly mumbled, dropping his hand to his side and jutting his chin in the direction of the passenger seat.

Jungkook drummed his fingers against the door and bobbed his head up and down- eyes still hesitant as they occasionally glanced down at the gun, "R..right." Jungkook stuttered, swallowing down a glob of saliva.

"Right.." Jimin dragged out, ignoring the look on Jungkook's face as he walked around the car and opened the door to the passenger side. He climbed into the black Volvo and slammed the door shut behind himself before leaning into the backseat to place the weapons case down on the seat.

Jungkook climbed into the car after Jimin, accidentally allowing the puppy of tension to scamper into the car with him before he could shut the door in its face. He pressed his foot down on the pedal and twisted the wheel around- driving into the forest and away from the gas-station until the curtain of trees fell in front of the building and shielded it from their eyes.

A relieved exhale of breath fanned against the window and left behind a touch of fog, Jimin watched the trees blur into one before he turned away from the view outside to analyse the car they were driving in, "You couldn't have gotten a better car with all the money Jin-hyung sends you? I'm pretty sure you could afford a lambo." The kitten pushed out a weak chuckle, tilting his head to the side to peer up at Jungkook.

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