Ch. 2- Golden Girl

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"Are you ready to dance?"

"Duh! I can't wait for tonight!"

"I heard he will pick one of us to go with him"

"Ugh I hope it's me! We haven't seen the broad of daylight for a while"

"I just wanna be the lucky girl to hold his arm and have every single woman out there envy me"

"I cannot believe you all!! This wicked monster has taken our freedom and has turned us into sex slaves!! How can you all be so okay with all this!?". I angrily shouted at the other five girls that spoke about our captive like he was some sort of Hero.

"Oh get over yourself Anaya..You're the only one that's suffering in here" Starr said to me while rolling her eyes.

"Exactly..We're here because we want to be" Hannah replied as she threw a packet of bubblegum to Starr.

"Damien BlackStone is everything a girl can wish for..He is filthy rich, feared and gosh just look how handsome he is!" Deana said as she kissed a portrait of Damien.

"Deana don't forget to mention he's a total sex machine! The pleasures we get..Ahh!" Joan excitedly shouted while grabbing her breast.

"We're really fortunate to be able to be here under his protection and care Anaya..So stop being so ungrateful and feel blessed by his presence!" Deana snapped at me while Hannah smirked.

Both Deana and Starr gave me a dirty look before leaving the room together. Joan quietly grabbed a bottle of liquor that she had stashed underneath a pile of clothe. While Hannah took a few bags of chips and walked out of the room with Joan.

"Aren't you leaving too..." I annoyingly said to Gina as I sat down on the bed. She grabbed a comb and without answering back she began to gently brush my hair.

I had been locked up as a prisoner for almost a year now. Every girl living in Damien's Mansion belonged to him. There was a tattoo stamp with his initials on the back of every girls shoulder to prove it. Except for me.

I was yet to be part of his property. Another object he could add on his shelve of prizes. I knew my time would come soon even if I dreaded it.

It wasn't easy at first when I arrived to his Mansion. The girls were very territorial and super mean. Except for Gina. She was the only one from the rest of the group that welcomed me with a warm hug and assured me that everything would be okay. A HUGE LIE.

However I knew that her intentions were not to deceive me but to lessen my fear instead. She was much older than the rest of the girls so they all respected her. She had also been Damien's captive for almost five years. The longest compared to the rest of the girls.

Though he didn't touch her anymore she continued to stay by his side because she wanted to devote her life to only Damien.

The girls say she's loyal but I think she's stupid. Gina had been granted with freedom but instead she chose to continue living in this hell hole all to please a sadistic monster.

I envied her for having such position in the Mansion where she no longer was favorited by Damien. Ever since I stepped a foot inside his Mansion he was always after me.

Gina says it's because of the fierce flame that burns within me that attracts him the most. He loves a challenge and will stop at nothing until he has fully tamed me.

While all the girls loved his torturous lessons and enjoyed his animalistic sex. I abhorrently hated it. Damien BlackStone disgusted me as a man. I only felt repugnance each time he touched me.

My stomach would turn just by the thought of having to touch him. Even with all the immense hate I felt for him, I had become his favorite chew toy. There was no escaping Damien BlackStone. He made that really clear to all of us. Especially me.

The only way we would ever have the chance to freely walk out of here alive was because he wanted it that way. Till then we continue being his prisoners until he gets bored and toss us out like a used toy he lost interest in.

Some of the girls brag about how they can't live without him. They act like they are his submissive's and not captives. Though they only fool themselves.

Two nights ago I overheard Starr weeping inside her bedroom which is next to mine. As I placed my ear against the wall I heard her loudly crying out her older brothers name Derek Walker.

She missed him badly and wanted to see him. She had been abducted by Damien's men right outside a club. It was her first time going out to such place. That night her brother had to work late so she left to her friends house.

It didn't take much convincing for Starr to join her friends in the club. If her brother had found out he would surely kill her. He was very protective about her since she was the only relative he had left.

Starr's parents died in a car accident when she was sixteen years old. Since then her brother had to look out for her and he always made sure she had everything she needed. In order for Starr to continue studying her brother had to get a second job.

Because he worked a lot he couldn't look after her as much as he use too. So Starr gained more freedom. A risky choice was made that crucial night that ended with her freedom. Even though she claims to solely love Damien BlackStone with all her heart. I know well she fears him just like the rest of us do.

"Gina..Why did Starr change towards me? I remember when I first got here you were the only nice one but soon after Starr warmed up to me also..Then suddenly she began to hate me like the rest of them do"

"Jealousy hun." She replied as she braided my hair.

"Jealousy? Of what?"

"Because our Master favorites you"

"But he treats me the same as he treats all of you!"

"You're wrong..He doesn't touch me anymore.."

"But Gina I know you do things to him...I-I hear them sometimes"

"Ha..Anaya I only pleasure him..While he seeks to pleasure you"

"Well he touches the rest of the girls too.."

"But he's a lot more careful to you than he is with the rest"

"Careful!? You don't know what you're saying!" I angrily shouted as I stood up. How dare she speak to me about him that way! She obviously had no idea of the pain I endured each time he laid hands on me.

"Listen every girl here has their own story..Only yours weighs more than ours" She said while resting her hand on my shoulder.

"And why is that!?"

"Because unlike us you were a Virgin gift to him..Anaya he says it himself..You are his golden girl"

"I don't want to be though! I hate him!"

"I'm sorry hun there is no other way around it. Damien BlackStone will never let you go. Have you not notice yet? The moment you became his under the sheets for the very first time. You also became his for eternity"

I hadn't notice just how tightly I was gripping my hands that my fingernails had cut onto my flesh. Blood drops stained the rug as Gina leaned close by my ear and whispered "Face it honey..You now belong to him".

You now belong to him"

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