Kylie's Plan

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Yanks led them all back to his lab. He looked heartbroken as he took in the state of it; Kylie had taken nearly everything. The middle of the room was now taken up with a large 3D map, each of the ley lines and their 7 points clearly marked out. This must be the map Serena and Ernesto told them about! Kylie must have left in a hurry to leave all of this here.

"Honey Bear to Rebel Rebel." Holly spoke down the radio. "Come in, Ern."

"This is Rebel Rebel." A smile came to Holly's face; she'd missed his voice. Their baby seemed to agree as it kicked away like mad.

"Ern, what's the update?"

"Great news! We busted Oryan out of the capital! We've just dropped him off at the stones."

The Sparticles cheered, that meant one less sensitive to find!

"Have you got your 6th sensitive?"

Or maybe still another sensitive to find after today's events....

"Er, sort of. We've gained one, but also lost one." She decided to remain vague about their news. "We'll explain when we meet in person. Over and out, my Rebel Rebel. We'll see you soon."

"Don't worry, Sadiq. We'll get Aris back soon." Frankie reassured her brother.

"Poor Aris, he wouldn't have stood a chance with Kylie." Kim sighed.

"Why would Kylie leave the capital with her troopers. What is she up to?" Reese looked down at the map, trying to figure out Kylie's plan. She picked up a little figurine of the neuroscrambler, and something clicked. "This is why Kylie left the capital! She's planning on setting up the neuroscrampler right under the path of the commit!"

"Meaning?" Holly asked.

"Meaning she's planning to block us right at the heart of our sensitive-net, how we speak with our minds, to stop us sending home the teen parents!"

"Unless we get there first!" Sadiq interrupted.

"Kylie knows everything about the mission." Kim reminded her tribe.

"But she hasn't found the exact location of the Circle of Perpetual time." Reese said.

Kim looked at her. "But neither have we."

"Who's going to solve the mystery and win the race? So exciting!" Yanks piped in. "Are you certain I couldn't join you?"

"Sorry Yanks." Reese apologised. "We need you here to link up on the sensitive-net when the commit flys past."

"Don't worry, you can count on me! I'll be be here, documenting it all as it happens! All for my forthcoming book: 'Yanks Units - My Parts and Their Discovery'."

"Come on, we don't have time to hang about. We have a Queen to catch!" Sadiq reminded them.

The Sparticles said their goodbyes to Yanks, making their way out of the mansion and back to the Spartivan.

"See, we all made it out alive Kim. No ghosts. Just a nerdy sensitive, Kylie, and your silly imagination." Holly teased, buckling herself in.

"Ok, tribe, are we ready for the final leg of this mission? We have 6 weeks until this commit arrives. This is going to be our only chance to send the teen parents home, so we've gotta be on our a-game! Now who's ready to save the world!" Sadiq shouted, met by cheers from his fellow tribe members.

"We might even have a little baby by then." Kim commented, affectionately rubbing Holly's stomach.

"I hope so! He or she needs to hurry up and vacate my womb. Preferably in the next 4 weeks so it doesn't interrupt bringing the teen parents home." Holly smiled, leaning herself back against the pillows.

She was tired after all the excitement of the day. She rested her head on Kim's shoulder, ready to take a nap. It was just one week until they would meet back up with Ernesto and Serena at the meeting place, and she couldn't be more excited to be reunited with them.

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