Their Own Revolutionary

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Holly wasn't smiling. Her stomach dropped. A baby. She was pregnant. Suddenly the sickness in the mornings made sense. The falling asleep everywhere made sense. Her period was late, but she hadn't thought anything of that. She hadn't been regular since the disappearance, she had put it down to stress. But clearly this time that wasn't the reasoning.

"Holly, you're going to have a baby!" Frankie cried in excitement, wrapping her arms around her.

Holly looked up at the two smiling girls. How could they be so happy. As she looked around the room, she noticed Sadiq's shocked face. At least she wasn't the only one not over the moon with this news.

"Ah, well. At least she's not proper sick then." Jefro chipped in.

"Wait, Jason. You knew that just by touching? You must be a sensitive!" Frankie realised. "You've got special powers, we've been looking for you."

"No, the Zone gives me these powers. Doesn't it Jefro?" He protested.

"That's right, little man."

"I'm going to need to do some checks on you and the baby, if that's ok Holly?" The healer asked.

She nodded. Her body felt numb. Baby. There was a baby growing inside her.

She opened a mouth as he placed a thermometer in it.

"It must be early stages. Feeling sick and tired the first three or four months is normal." Kim reassured her.

"You're in good health, Holly." The healer assured her as he read her temperature.

Holly looked at Kim in despair. "What am I going to do."

The curtains were suddenly pulled back, revealing Ernesto and Serena. He ran straight over to her, desperate to know if she had been cured.

"How are you, my sweet Chi Chi?"

The tent fell to an awkward silence. Everyone looked at the man of the hour. She knew she had to be the one to break the news, but she could hardly wrap her head around it herself.

When no one answered, Ernesto looked around in a panic. "Well what's wrong? How serious is it?"

Holly took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Well that depends on you really, Ern. We're having a baby."

She prepared herself for the rejection. For the anger. For him to storm out. But none of that happened. She stood watching him process the information, his breathing going heavy.

"You. Clever brilliant Chi Chi!" A smile spread across his face as he took hers in his hands, planting the biggest kiss on her lips. "Our own little Revolutionary!" He cheered.

Seeing his reaction made Holly feel a lot better about the situation. With Ernesto by her side, by their side, everything would be alright.

He pulled her into a tight hug, before quickly loosening it in a panic. "Sorry, I, uh, I don't to hurt our baby." He gestured down to her stomach. Holly's heart fluttered, he had called it 'our baby'.

Jefro came over to the pair, pulling Ernesto away. "Sorry to break up the happy families and everything, but we need to get moving."

"What's the hurry?" Jason asked.

"Bounty hunters." Serena spat out angrily. "Jefro sent the bounty hunters in here knowing they were looking for us."

"He's sold us out for cold hard cash." Ernesto added.

"That's not true, that's a lie!" Jefro protested.

"It's not a lie. It's true." Jason looked up at him, the hurt clear in his voice from the betrayal. He must have used his sensitive powers to read his mind.

Frankie looked at him with a broken heart. "I thought you were our friend?"

Holly wasn't as surprised by this as she thought she'd be. If she had learnt one thing over the last few years, it was not to trust strangers. Anyone could be the enemy, no matter how nice they might seem.

"How could you do this?" Jason asked in disbelief.

"They were coming in anyway! Everyone knows the bounty hunters are looking for these kids with special powers, like you! I did it to protect you, J." He sounded sincere enough, but he couldn't fool a sensitive.

"No you weren't. You were doing it for you, you were doing it for the money."

"Well, uh, not entirely. I sent them as far away from the healing Zone as possible so they couldn't find you!" Jefro tried to explain.

Jason scoffed. "Yea, well that worked. Just get out."

The tense atmosphere of the room was only broken by Ernesto's huge grin which he was aiming towards his girlfriend. Nothing could damper his mood for too long now he had found out he was going to be a dad!

"Come on, we need to get out of here fast." He took Holly's hand in his as she slipped herself off the examination table.

"We can't leave until we find Reese and Aris." Sadiq reminded him.

The curtains started to rustle, and in stormed Brian.

"GOTCHA!" He screamed, triumphant.

He pointed the frequency scanner around the room. It was a horrid device which, when shot at someone, would send them flying through the air and make all there movements slow down for a few minutes. It had been invented by Kylie to make it easier to capture her enemies.

"Now. Hands up. You all need to do everything I say."

Frankie leaned into Jason's ear. "You're a sensitive. You can help stop him." She whispered, but wasn't quiet enough.

"You're a sensitive!" Brian's gun went to point at Jason. "Bingo."

"You've got powers! Use them!" Frankie encouraged him, no longer trying to hide what she was saying.

They watched as he reached his hands out, closing his eyes much like he had done when he projected the baby's heartbeat around the room.

"Hey! My headache! It's gone!" Brian smiled at him. "It's a shame you're a sensitive."

He reached into his bag, pulling out a metal helmet and locking it onto Jason's head. Metal helmets prevented the sensitives from using their powers, and had long been used on Reese whilst she was in prison.

The sound of footsteps approaching the tent distracted Brian. In came Jefro.

"Do us a favour, tie him up." Brian commanded, handing him some rope.

"But he's my brother."

"He's a witch. And an enemy of the state. Now start tying him up!" He shouted back, anger clear in his voice at being disobeyed.

"Sure. Whatever." Jefro accepted the rope before tackling Brian, struggling to tie him up instead.

"No! No! Let go of me!" They Sparticles watched as Brian overpowered Jefro, pushing him to the floor. Their money bag of '500 Kylie's' fell with him, tipping to reveal the marbles they had intended to pay with.

"Marbles for money? Who would have thought it. The Sparticles are a bunch of deceiving, lying criminals." Brian spat out at them, a smirk on his face. "You couldn't even betray someone properly. Good days work all in all, now I just need to find the witch girl."

"But if you haven't got Reese, then where has she gone?" Serena asked. They tribe were confused, they had all believed up until now that their sensitives had been captured.

An alarm started to sound in the room, wind blew through. It was as though a hurricane had hit! The Sparticles all dropped to the floor trying to find cover. Holly felt Ernesto place his body over hers, shielding her and their unborn child.

"What's happening?" Cried Frankie from Sadiq's arms as the wind picked up.

"IT'S ALIENS!" Brian cried, running out of the room in fear.

The room started to shake. And then, just as quick as it started, the room once again stood still. Everyone stood to find Reese and Aris staring at them.

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