Chapter 4

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The Clue

heavy fog waved through blurring my vision. It feels as if I'm part of the fog, descending onto the ground. My feet lightly planted onto the soft dewy grass. I look around, the fog is a little lighter on the ground, and I see that I'm in a meadow. That's all I can see. The fog started to become less dense, this place is starting to look familiar. Little yellow and white flowers grew in the meadow, willow trees swayed in the distance. Light giggling echoed. I dart my head around, though no one was there. The only person, as far as I can see, in this meadow is me. Giggles sounded again. I slowly walk in the direction of the laughter.

The sounds became louder the more I walked, then I saw something. Little floating pastel colored orbs. I ran towards them. They're sprites, little sprites. They danced around giggling, little puffs of dust twinkled around with every move. I smiled at the little sprites. I took a few steps forward to touch one but then I stepped on something. I picked up my foot and looked down to see what it was. To my surprise, I saw a hand, a little kid's hand. He's... Dead. He's covered in blood; his eyes opened with little trinkles of blood slivering down.

As more field was exposed I took a step back in horror. The field was filled with little kids, all of them just like the first boy. Are those little sprites laughing because of the kids, did they do this? A faint cry echoed from a distance. Everything clicked, this is a dream. I've been having this dream for 3 days now. But everything is clear for once.

I maneuvered around the children's' bodies to get to what I think is a crying girl. She isn't far from them; she has her back turned. She's small though, no more than 4 feet, her long, thick, curly, red hair made up half of her body. I reached my hand out to touch her, but she turned around before I even had the chance. It's me? It is, like when I was seven. But something is off about me, I look... different.

My eyes are puffy and pink from crying and my nose is red. My little hands are riddled with blood, and some smeared on my face. Wait did I do this? My younger self-looked back at me in horror. "Hello?" I waved my hand in front of her, my face. Nothing, I was about to say something else but then, I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and saw the Malibu Beast. Except for it's smaller and the fur is a bronzy blonde. Is that what my past self is looking at? Not me? Am I its last victim? The Beast walked towards me. My younger self is still paralyzed in shock. I turned and focused on me again.

"Is he going to kill you?" Still no response. I wasn't even looking at me. I sighed in frustration. What does this dream mean? This is the third time I had it; there has to be some meaning behind it. As I was about to turn around the Beast walked straight through my body. He was now standing inches away from my younger self. So they can't see me.

I came from behind the Beast and walked to the side of them, so I can have a better view. The Beast is looking me right in the eyes, and I his. I didn't seem that scared of him. They stared at each other for about five seconds, then the Beast started to morph. His eyes changed from a reptile look to human hazel eyes. His fur descended into his skin. He grew shorter as his body grew less muscular, and his skin changed to a rosy pink color. His face changed from the ghastly creature to a little boy's face. And finally, his claws retracted turning into normal nails. He now stood eye to eye with me. He no longer looked like a frightening beast straight out of hell but like a little boy, a cute one. Definitely not like the beast he just came from.

The kid had a round shaped head. He has rosy cheeks and naturally pink lips. His eyes looked sad and innocent, but there was something devious about him. He had a huge grin on his face. What is wrong with this kid? I'm pretty sure he just killed all these kids, and I have a feeling my little 7-year-old self is next.

Bad Romance: Part ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon