Bad Romance Chapters 1-3

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The Adventure Begins

(October 21st, 2011)

I look down at my iPhone to check the time, it's 9:46 P.M. I sigh as the cool breeze lightly brushes my face blowing my light copper hair in my eyes. I secure it back with my hair band. I look over at Nick, he is playing doodle jump on his iPod. I nudge him to get his attention. "What, Jez?" He says without looking up.

"Is this safe?" I ask.

"Yeah, it'll be fine." Every time Nick says everything will be fine, it never is. But he and Dmitri insist on doing our project on the Malibu Beast. I say it's a death wish.

A red Jeep pulls into Nick's driveway. Cassidy and Travis are here, but still no Dmitri. "Hey, guys" Cassidy sings. She's bubbly as usual. "Hey." Travis says as he kisses me lightly. Nick scoffs.

"We don't need your PDA. Tonight we are on a serious mission."

"Well, I think it's cute." Cassidy says. Nick waves her off. "I think that at least one of us should find love. I had someone within the standards, but he broke up with me for some bottle blonde who isn't even Greek. And our school isn't the most diverse with the Black population... And we're doing an extra credit video, not a 'serious mission'," Cassidy says.

"It's a serious extra credit video. Also, your parents' Greek only policy is ridiculous... And get over Paul, it's been a year!" Nick grumbles with an annoyed tone.

Their policy is he either has to be 100% Greek, or he has to be at least 50% Greek. But of course, they will make an exception if the person is Black. Nick has had the biggest crush on Cassidy since 5th grade. But, since he is Jewish and not Greek nor is he black, so therefore he's not good enough, in her parents' eyes.

"Well you know I think being Black and Greek is fantastic and all, but I don't like my parents being excessively Greek. It's stupid that they think the only people good enough to date me and my siblings are Greeks. And I am over Paul. I'm just saying." I smile, knowing it wasn't the complete truth. She still gets hung up on him every now and then, and when she does she goes running to Dmitri. She says that he "helps" get her mind off of him.

A rush of silence falls over us. "So is what we're doing safe? I'm none too sure about this." Travis says breaking the silence. Well at least someone had some sense.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Is it too late to go back?" Cassidy says a little timid.

"What a coincidence I was just asking Nick that." I look at Nick with my 'I told you so' face.

Nick sighs and puts his iPod down. "Yes, it's too late to go back. We'll be fine, but just in case, Dmitri most likely has some kind of protection. And if that fails, we will probably be close to his house and we can lock ourselves in for safety." Nick snaps, as if we were bothering him. Why would he be annoyed? He's jeopardizing our lives and isn't giving us fool proof reasons why we're going to live. Sorry, we have questions and doubts.

"Have any of you guys ever been to his house or met his parents? Obviously I haven't because he hates me. But Cas and Nick you guys have been friends with him for eleven years. And Jez you have been for nine," Travis asks. Nick, Cassidy and I look at each other. I don't believe that any of us have done either. I think I saw his mom once or twice when we were little kids. "No, but he lives in Malibu, so it's big." I say.

"I pick him up for school, but he has me pick him up somewhere off the beach. He says he lives in walking distance from that location." Nick adds.

"So no one even knows where he lives or what his family is like? Great." Travis says with a tad bit of anger in his voice. He sits down next to me and huffs. I see the worry in his eyes.

Bad Romance: Part IWhere stories live. Discover now