Right, It's jealousy...he's envious and he reluctantly accepts that and he's not sure how much longer he'll be able to keep his cool.

The way that poor Jeongin hasn't done anything and the way he looks like a dear caught in a headlight when Hueningkai stares at him, full of colossal predatory glaring. Hueningkai thinks he'll get used to it. Accepting defeat is a morale he learns.

"It all happened so suddenly, don't you think Hyuka?", Beomgyu asks, studying the expression on his friende face.

"Yeah...right...", his breathe is husky and worn out. His hands are perspiring and his breathe hitches.

Oh god. This is gonna be a long day


Beomgyu looks at him and again, his motherly instinct doesn't fail to come to notice. He's about to ramble all over again about how Hueningkai should not be afraid to share his concerns or problems with them when Yeonjun decides to intervene.

"Babe, we've already told him. Maybe he's just tired okay? He'll tell us something if he wants to. Calm down", Yeonjun tugs on the younger boys wrist to come sit down next to him

Beomgyu obeys while catching a glance of Hueningkai and sitting next to Yeonjun, head on his shoulders.

"Hueningkai, I want you to tell us what's wrong when you think you trust us enough", Yeonjun suddenly speaks, his voice low but audible enough for Hueningkai to hear.

His hand is around his boyfriends back, soothing it as Beomgyu lays his head on Yeonjuns shoulder. They've always liked this way of cuddling better. Yeonjun thinks its quite complimentary to be called as the one who's more dominant. Beomgyu often reminds him of the way he cures all Beomgyus worries instantaneously.

As the group of three continued conversing for a bit, the bell rings almost startling the males to which they let out a dry but goofy giggle.

Beomgyu and Yeonjun want Hueningkai to head along with them, but Hueningkai insists them on having fun walking home alone. He wants some fresh air from all this thoughts as well.

Hueningkai got up from the stairs and once he was in sight again, a teachers voice made him turn his head around.
It was his home economics teacher. Oh how miserably he was aware of what she was about to say.

"Hueningkai, please come here"

"Erm...Hi", he shifted uncomfortably in his standing position, not wanting it to be obvious though.

"Right..I just wanted to ask you what's going on. Your grades are dropping and if this keeps continuing, Im afraid you can't get into a good university. You know that right?", She tapped his shoulder as in a way to express, 'pay attention to what im saying'

Hueningkai suddenly flinched at the touch and as he studied the concerned look on his teachers face, he thought about the uncountable things he could be grateful for.

He knows hes flunking but he does nothing to avoid it because he can't. The moment he sees Soobin ask Jeongin out, the scene has been playing in his mind like an old broken record.

He does nothing to change whats the present, well he can't. He doesn't wanna be a distraction. Besides, what's his right to intervene in their business...

Life never goes the way one plans it to.

Hueningkai snaps out from his daily and sorrowful laments and the teacher sighs in defeat.

"Look. Whatever you're going through, don't hesitate to talk through it with me...you need to stop thinking so much about whatever that is on your mind. Pay a little attention to your academics, alright?", The womans lips gently tug upwards as she let out a friendly smile.

❝forbidden love❞ // sookaiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن