Note !

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Hey everybody hope all of you beautiful people are doing swell (yes I said swell lol) Okay so I was suppose to update last week but something came up and I had to work but I promise promise promise I will be updating this weekend after the chris brown and trey songz concert 😍🙌😁👏😍 Yess I can't wait.

I'm taking a hiatus I got alot of things to do this week so I won't really have the time to update I have a chapter finished but I don't wanna just give one chapter I wanna give y'all more but either way I'm for sure going to update this weekend I just wanted to let yall know what's going on.

I appreciate yall so much and I put the video up for your listening pleasure this is my favorite song off QUEMIX 2 so I hope you enjoy it to and I'll see y'all soon.

-Chanell 💙

Perfect Girl.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang