[Vol.2] Chapter 17:No Brake

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Y/N's p.o.v

I woke up to be tied up...son of a bitch I stare at a White Fang member and Roman is here....ugh not him again

Roman:Well someone enjoyed their little cat nap didn't they?

Y/N:[Spits at Roman]

Roman:....Y'know I don't know why you and your sis are fighting me and the White Fang I mean we have the same goal really

Y/N:Fuck you Roman Torchdick

Roman:Hey now a kitty cat like you shouldn't talk like that

Y/N:[sighs] Fuck. You!

Roman:Gentlemen! Take care of the stray cat-

We hear an explosion one of the White Fang members point there gun at me I roll my eyes and leg sweep them and bring out Killer Queen to stomp on their faces then Killer Queen uses it's first bomb and made a small explosion on the ropes I was free we hear another explosion happening I turn my attention back to the others and start running away from Torchdick

Roman:Oh son of a- Kill that stray cat!

They started shooting at me lucky I didn't get hit by any of the bullets and manage to dodge them and got back to the others


Blake:Y/N! Are you okay? Did that son of a bitch hit you in some way? If he did I'll kill-

Y/N:Easy there sis I'm fine...well besides Neo but I'll handle her for our next round but Torchdick has all sorts of weapons and robots on that train! Also thanks for giving me gun back


Y/N:Y'know like androids and mechs! They're all loaded up on the train cars!

Obbleck:Ah that's ridiculous! These tunnels are sealed the tracks lead to a dead end!

The train started to move for some reason

Yang:Well it sounds like they're going somewhere!

Ruby:We need backup! I'll call Jaune [Scroll couldn't get through to call Jaune boi] Damnit! I can't get through!

Weiss:So what do we do?

Obbleck:I believe we only have one option

Ruby & Y/N:Were stopping that train

As the train leaves we managed to catch up to it and got on top of the loaded cars

Obbleck:Hurry children! We must get to the front and stop this train!

Weiss:Uhh Professor?


Weiss:What's that?

Y/N:That's a bomb you idio- WHY IS THERE A BOMB ON HERE?!

Ruby:Not only that but we've got baddies!

Ruby points over to White Fang members on the loaded cars

Obbleck:Well I didn't expect them to go-

The bomb started counting down

Obbleck:Easy on us...Time to go! Blake detach the caboose! It will kill us all!

Blake:On it!

We got on the other loaded train car and of course more White Fang was on top of the train I check if there's more bombs and....yep THERE IS ANOTHER FUCKING BOMB!

Blake:It detached itself!


Yang:I guess he really doesn't want us on this train!

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