Chapter 3:What a Killer Duwang in Emerald Forset Part 2

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Y/N's p.o.v


Ruby:I said jump!

???:She's going to fall

Okay so Weiss is falling off from the Nevermore then that Pyrrha girl gets knocked over to us by that Deathstalker

Yang:Great! The gang's all here we can die together!

Y/N:That isn't very useful

Ruby:I,Ruby Rose have a dream

Weiss:What the hell are you talking about

Then Ruby dashes towards the enemy

Ruby:Your Semblance can do ice stuff right? I'm counting on you Ice Queen!

Yang:Ruby! What the hell are you doing?!

I go after Ruby just in case if she needed help then Ruby started attacking the Deathstalker but she got knocked back my Semblance caught her then we start running until Ruby got stuck by that damn Nevermore's feathers

Blake & Yang:R-Ruby!/Y-Y/N!

Yang:Shit! There in trouble!

Yang tried to help us but Weiss got in the way of Yang

Yang:Ice Queen...

Weiss:Ruby're one crazy brat. All this to prove yourself...what the hell is wrong with you?

We glance back to see the Deathstalker about to attack us I bring out my Killer Queen and grab the feather and get ready to blow this popsicle stand then the Deathstalker was stopped by Weiss's ice wall

Weiss:Look you attend to be childish and I can be a bit difficult

Y/N:C-Can we just go back to the others? Also FIRE IN THE HOLE! Stand back Weiss!

Ruby and Weiss:What?

As me and Weiss get away and Ruby tried to cover herself to block the explosion and then the feather was blown into dust and we go back to the others

Jaune:Uh guys that thing is circling back around what are we gonna do

Weiss:Look there is no time to waste we have our mission in front of us right now our objective is in front of us just pick your pieces and let's-

Jaune:Use my family's secret move?

RWBY & GRNP:You have a secret move?

Jaune smirks then grabs his chest piece and runs away


We all just stand there quietly then Ruby grabs her piece and runs with him

Y/N:Well let's follow them!

Gappy:Well we can't do anything else

We start following them until we took cover behind some pillars while the Nevermore was in our way

Yang:Well ain't that just great?

Then the Deathstalker came out of nowhere and chased after us

Jaune:Oh man! HOT FOOT IT AGAIN!

As we start running again Nora distracted the Nevermore causing it to fly away for now but the Deathstalker was behind Nora and about to attack her but Ren and Blake attacks the Deathstalker and starts running again we got to the bridge


Pyrrha made her spear into a rifle and starts shooting at the Deathstalker with Ren and Blake as we almost make it half way there that damn Nevermore came flying back and broke the bridge I landed next to Pyrrha,Blake,and Ren I bring out Killer Queen and make explosive bubbles and they float near the Deathstalker as they got close enough to the Deathstalker they blow up in it's face

Killer Queen That's What I Call My Semblance (RWBY x Male Yoshikage Kira Reader)Where stories live. Discover now