Chapter 29

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Remus and I were about to get ready for bed when Tonks rushes in with panic written all over her face. "The kids broke into the Ministry. They seem to think You-Know-Who has Sirius in the Department of Mysteries." She explains quickly. Remus and I look at each other before grabbing our wands and apparating out.

We get there in time to see Sirius to punch Lucius in the face before all hell breaks loose. Spells were being fired everywhere. I order Tonks to collect the kids and was about to shove Harry in her direction when I see Bellatrix throwing a knife aimed at Sirius. He had his back to her and I knew there wouldn't be enough time to stop the knife with a spell.

I curse before blurring behind Sirius and taking the knife to my chest. I grunt in pain at the impact.

"Allison!" Sirius yells when he turns around.

"I'm alright." I say as I grit my teeth together.

"You've got a knife in your chest. You are not alright." Sirius snaps. Harry looks on in horror before taking off. I hear Bellatrix's maniac laughter as I start to pull the knife from my chest. "What the bloody hell are you doing? If you take that out you'll bleed everywhere."

"Trust me. I've been through worse." I say with a deadpanned look as I pull the knife free from my body. It drops my blood onto the floor a couple of times before I send it flying in the direction of one of the Death Eaters.

They drop to the ground dead after the knife finds its target in their neck. I grab the kid that the Death Eater was after and drag the boy over to Tonks and Kingsley who quickly get all the kids out of the room. I look down at my ruined shirt and pout angrily. I had liked it.

"Ally! Are you ok?" Remus asks running up to me. I hear his intake of breath when he see the blood all down my chest which stems from an area above my heart.

"I'm fine."

"You were stabbed! That's not fine." Sirius yells as he marches over when the Death Eaters are taken care of. The ones who hadn't escaped or died were quickly taken to Askaban by the Ministry officials in the Order.

"A pesky knife won't kill me that easily. I'll explain more later. Where did Harry go?" I ask Sirius.

"Dumbledore has him but we should go anyways." He says leading us to the main floor. Harry was laying on the ground with Dumbledore kneeling by his side. He was mumbling something that I can't make out, even with my enhanced senses. The kids come running up beside us but stop at the strange scene.

Voldemort suddenly appears over Harry and Remus grabs my arm so that I don't go running towards him. The Minister comes just as Voldy leaves.

After a big fuss the kids are sent back to school and we go back to Grimmauld Place.

"What happened? Is Harry alright? Dumbledore wouldn't let us go." Lily asks as we all step through to the kitchen.

"Harry's fine. He's back at Hogwarts." Remus says soothingly calming her down a bit before she looks at me.

"Merlin's Beard Ally! You're bleeding." She cries as she covers her mouth.

"Huh?" I asks confused before looking down and remembering. "Oh yeah. I forgot about that."

"You forgot you were bleeding?" James asks as he steps closer to take a look.

"I'm not bleeding. I'm fine. See." I say as I pull my shirt down to show them the unmarred skin below. "All good."

"I seen a knife wedged in there. You didn't say any healing spells or take any potions so how are you healed?" Sirius asks shocked.

"I think it's time I told you about my family." I say gesturing to the chairs around the table. "I don't want any interruptions until I'm finished."

"My father is a man named Niklaus Mikaelson. He and the rest of his siblings are most commonly known as the Original vampires. A thousand or so years ago, their parents believed they had lost a second child, the first was said to have died at the hands of a plague, the second died to werewolves. In a fit of grief my grandparents did a ritual to turn their children immortal. They made them stronger and faster than werewolves and they made them immortal in a way so that only a select few items could kill and harm them."

"When my dad first killed someone it triggered his curse. They found that my grandmother hadn't been faithful and had an affair with the Alpha of the pack that had killed my uncle. In a fit of rage Mikael, my grandmothers husband, made my grandmother, Esther, bind my dad's werewolf nature. It worked and my dad was then just a vampire."

"Fast forward to thirty something years ago, my dad breaks his curse. He's now considered a Hybrid. Part werewolf, part vampire. After he got his curse removed he slept with my mom and nine months later I popped out. Due to who my parents were, I became a tribrid. Part witch, part werewolf, part vampire. I could use magic, I could transform during a full moon after activating my curse and I had enhanced healing from the vampire blood."

"The night Voldy tried to kill me was weird. Before he came in I drank my dad's blood. The only way to become a vampire is by dying with vampire blood in your system. Since I had my dad's hybrid blood, I hoped I'd at least be able to keep my werewolf side if I died. Anyways, Voldy and I fought for a good few hours before he hit me with the killing curse. I woke up hours later and apparated straight to my dad's where I promptly passed out into a magical coma."

"During this time my dad had my aunt go through my memories and they found out Voldy was the one to do this to me. Dad was so pissed that he and my Uncle Elijah came to England and hunted down Voldy. Elijah killed any Death Eater in sight and Dad ripped Voldemort's heart out."

"When I woke up five years later my aunt, Freya, did a test that confirmed that I now had more vampiric traits, such as the need to drink blood, immortality and burning in the sunlight." I finish. I glance nervously at the four who are staring at me with shocked expressions. "Don't worry about the sunlight thing though. I have a daylight ring that allows me to walk in the sun."

"Holy fuck." Is all that James mutters as he leans back in his chair.

"So you're like, nearly impossible to kill now?" Sirius asks before wincing when Lily smacks the back of his head.

"Yeah pretty much. The only ways to kill me is by a stake to the heart, ripping my heart out or by fire." I say nodding. "I know this is a lot to take in."

"Ya think? I just found out my sister is more badass than me." James pouts, breaking the tension and making us all laugh.

"I'm sorry I was away for so long." I say.

"You made sure I got to see my son grow up. I think we can excuse a little time away as long as you tell us where you're going next time." Lily says pulling me into a hug which I gratefully return.

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