Chapter 27

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*14 years later*

I sit behind my desk at the Salvatore Boarding School. Damon and I had become quick friends and when Stefan opened the school with Caroline and Alaric they'd asked me to come on as a teacher. They all new about my Tribrid status and said it'd be helpful to those with more than one gift.

"Hey Vamp-Witch-Wolf-Bitch, what's up?" Damon asks as he saunters into my classroom. He'd come up with the nickname after hearing what I was and I had laughed so hard he thought I had died. Again.

"Nothing much, correcting essays from summer classes and the such. What about you, Broody?" I say with a smirk and he glares at me.

"I came to see if you wanted to go out but since you insulted me I retract my invitation." Damon says huffing.

"Like anyone else would willingly hang out with you." I roll my eyes playfully at him when he lets out a snort. He goes to speak when an owl taps on the window. I make my way over and pull the letter off of its leg before handing it a couple knuts and an owl treat. It flies off as I turn back to face Damon.

"'You've got mail' has become more owlish than I remember." Damon comments making me laugh.

"You know that this is the preferred way for witches and wizards to communicate." I say as I look at the letter. I open it when I see Dumbledore's seal on the back.

"What's up? You've got this 'I don't know what's happening but I know I should' look on your face." Damon comments as he sits in my chair and puts his feet up on my desk.

"Dumbledore's gathering the Order again. Voldemort is apparently back and looking to kill my nephew again." I say scanning the letter again before folding it up. "He should be dead. Dad ripped his heart out when I went into my magical coma."

"I thought it was Elijah that killed him." Damon says nonchalantly.

"Nah. Elijah killed all the Death Eaters in the vicinity but Dad killed Voldy." I say. "He wanted to keep the heart but thought it would be a morbid to have on display."

"Doesn't mean he didn't take it." Damon says as he starts messing with a fidget toy on my desk.

"Of course he took it. It's just in the basement of the Abattoir instead of out on display like he wanted." I say laughing. "Anyways the Order's gathering later today so I need to go talk to Alaric. Seems like you're going to be alone tonight like usual."

"Or I could come with?" Damon suggests.

"I'll let you know if I need the help." I promise. "For now could you go tell Blake that he'll be in charge of the pack while I'm gone? I don't know how long I'll be gone but they need to know who to defer to while I'm away."

"Sure thing. I'm expecting to be kept in the loop or I'm telling your dad." Damon says pointing a finger at me playfully.

"Oh bite me." I snap back as I grab my bag.

"You wish." He says before blurring away. I head up to Alaric's office. He, Stefan and Caroline ran the place but he was the actual principal.

"Come in." He says when I tap out a knock on his door. "Allison what can I do for you?"

"There's trouble back in England. I've been called back. I don't know how long I'll be gone." I say showing him the letter. "Just thought you'd want to know."

"It's not like I can stop you from going. Everyone knows not to say 'no' to a Mikaelson." He says wryly making me laugh.

"Thanks Al. I'll see you when I get back. Whoever subs for me should hand out the essays I corrected and should carry on from where I left off. The students will help them. It's only easy revision since it's summer." I say standing back up.

"Thanks for letting me know." He says before I leave. I head home and pack a bag of essentials before apparating to the house my family had bought in England all those years ago. Nobody but me really uses the house as they preferred to stay in America. On the odd day that I decide to come back I normally stay here. I throw my bag onto my bed before apparating to 12 Grimmauld Place.

I knock on the door and am greeted with a woman with greying ginger hair. "Hello, Dumbledore requested my presence tonight." I say. The woman opens the door and I go through the process of having to fight off the magic wanting to keep my vampire side out. Obviously I win as I step into the house.

"I'm Molly Weasley dear. Everyone's in the kitchen already." The woman introduces kindly.

"Thank you." I say before following after her. I spot Dumbledore first, he gives me a small smile with his normal mischievous eyes.

"What's up Dumbledore? This oughta be important I was just about to go home for the day." I say sarcastically making Dumbledore chuckle.

"I assure you that this is very important Ms Marshall." Dumbledore says.

"It's been a long time since I've been called that." I say smirking. "I go by Mikaelson now."

"Ally?" I hear James whisper as he stands up. Lily is gripping his arm so hard her knuckles are turning white. I see Remus and Sirius standing beside them with twin looks of disbelief written on their faces.

"The one and only." I say with a smile before I'm engulfed in a hug by my brother.

"I thought you were dead." He says into my hair. I can tell he's trying not to cry as his hands fist the back of my shirt. "The house was destroyed and we couldn't find you."

"Yeah, we'll get back to that." I say as I run a comforting hand up and down his back.

"Mum who's Dad hugging?" A boy, who must be Harry, whispers to Lily.

"That's Allison. Your Dad's sister." Lily whispers back with emotion thick in her voice. "She was my best friend at Hogwarts."

James and I pull out of our hug and I look around the room at all the different faces. "I believe we have some business to attend to. I'll answer any questions after we get that out the way."

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