Chapter 24

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I nervously bite my lip as Remus leads me to his house. We were now on Christmas break, James, Peter and Sirius had decided to go to James' for the holiday as I was going to be with Remus. We'd agreed to meet up after Christmas dinner at the Potter's.

"You're going to be fine, darling." Remus mutters as he grabs my hand, intertwining out fingers. "They're going to love you almost as much as I do."

"Thanks." I whisper. I take as deep, calming breath before we step inside the quaint house. Remus takes my hat, scarf, gloves and coat and hangs them up before doing the same with his own.

"Remus, dear, is that you?" A female voice calls from further inside the house.

"Yeah Mum." Remus calls back. "Ally is here too."

"We're in the living room." A male voice says this time. I bite the inside of my cheek to ground me before Remus leads us to the living room. Inside was a man sitting in an arm chair as he read the Daily Prophet. A woman was also in the room, although she was reading from a worn copy of 'Sherlock Holmes'.

"Hello. You must be Allison." The woman says putting down her book and standing.

"Yup that's me." I say kind of awkwardly. I'm startled when the woman pulls me into a tight hug.

"My name is Hope. This is my husband Lyall." She say gesturing to the man who was now standing as well. He shakes my hand quickly before gesturing to sit.

"It's nice to meet you." I say honestly. I had really wanted to see who Remus took after the most.

"I would like to settle something quickly." Lyall says leaning forwards a bit so that his elbows were on his knees. I feel Remus' leg bump gently against mine for comfort.

"Ok." I agree easily enough.

"You know of our sons...condition, yes?" I nod when he looks at me for confirmation. "Have you ever thought ill of any of the things he's done when he's not in his right mind?"

I blink at the question before huffing a laugh and turning to Remus. "You didn't tell them?"

Remus' ears turn a little pink as he shakes his head. "Tell us what, dear?" Hope asks as she places a hand on Lyall's shoulder.

"I can't exactly blame him when I would be in the same boat as him if I hadn't had my family." When I get confused looks I elaborate. "Sorry, I'm a werewolf as well. Different kind but still just as... deadly you could say."

They blink in surprise but I can see the relief hidden in their eyes.

"Ally's the one who gave me the moonlight ring." Remus jumps in with a sheepish look. They look at me in question.

"Aren't they supposed to be very rare and very expensive?" Lyall asks politely but I could see that he was tense.

"Normally yeah. But when you already have one it's quite easy to cast the same charms onto an ordinary moonstone ring." I shrug as I pull out my moonlight ring from under my shirt to show them. "If that hadn't of worked then I am also related to the person who created them in the first place, which means I inherit the process of how to make them."

"What did you say your last name was?" Hope asks tipping her head slightly.

"Which one?" I snort. "I have three. I usually go by Marshall, which was my mom's, but I also have Kenner, my step-dad's name and I have Potter from when they adopted me." I leave out the Mikealson part as Dad had told me to let as little people know as possible so that I was safer.

"Where have I heard Marshall before?" Lyall mutters, furrowing his brow in the same way Remus did when he was thinking hard. "Wasn't that an Alpha in America?"

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