Chapter 20

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I grin as I sit next to Sirius and James in the common room. Peter and Remus were up in the boys' dorm and I had just had a brilliant idea.

"Who's up for a little mischief?" I ask knowing my eyes were twinkling with mischief. The two boys look to each other before looking back at me and grinning.

"What did you have in mind?" They ask simultaneously.


I nudge at Sirius leg under Gryffindor table. He smirks at me before dropping the bag he'd taken with him. I cross my legs in anticipation - and to keep them from bouncing - and try not to smile. James and Sirius are both in the same boat making Remus look at the three of us suspiciously.

"Alright, I give. What did you three do?" He asks making Lily and Peter look to us.

"Why I never Mr Lupin. You think us three harmless and creative Gryffindor sixth years did something?" I say with fake shock. I hold a hand to my chest in mock hurt making Sirius slip and let out a giggle.

Just as Remus goes to answer a horde of pixies start flying around the room. They start pulling on girls' hair, throwing food around and overall just terrorising students and staff.

"Oh would you look at that. Someone must have gathered exactly thirty two pixies and set them loose in the Great Hall." Sirius comments nonchalantly as he continues eating.

"What?" Peter asks. He squeaks and ducks as a pixie dive bombs his head.

"This is brilliant. I only wish I would have thought of it first." James comments with the same nonchalance as Sirius.

"Yes. Whoever thought of such a thing is certainly a prank master." I say eating a piece of carrot from my fork.

Remus, Peter and Lily are looking at the three of us in shock and awe.

"How did you manage it?" Lily asks breaking out of her stupor. I reach under the table and bring out the bag I had charmed and show them.

"Extendable charm." I comment dropping the bag on the table. I start laughing when I see Snape run past with five pixies flying after him trying to pull at his hair.

"Honestly I'm a little impressed by this one." Remus says looking around, Lily and Peter nod in agreement before Peter has to duck again, accidentally hitting his head on the table. James, Sirius and I cheer as we clink our mugs of pumpkin juice together.

"Good luck to the teachers trying to catch all thirty two of them again." I say through giggles.


It was nearing the end of the school year now and I was excited to be seeing my Dad again. I'd already planned to spend half the summer in America with him and then the other half in England with the Potter's.

I grab the bundle of letters from my family that had just arrived before deciding to open Aunt Freya's first.

Dear Ally.

I hope you have exciting new spells to show me when you come over. We both know you are more than capable of harder things than what the school will have taught you this year.

Keelin and I have exciting news. We're planning on getting married over the summer and plan to start a small family. Hopefully by the time you leave back to England you'll be expecting a cousin.

Everyone here is well and we are all buzzing with excitement from your impending arrival. Rebekah's been working as our wedding planner and I have no doubt that the wedding will be everything that Keelin and I envision. Your father has also convinced Marcel to put of his summer travels this year in order to meet you.

I'm glad that Remus has come to his senses and has realised how lucky he is to have you. If he ever does anything of the sorts again I don't think anyone will be able to hold Klaus, or any one of us for that matter, back. You deserve all the happiness you can get and if you find it in him then he better stay in line.

With Love Aunt Freya, F.M

P.S Keelin and I would like you to be a bridesmaid along with Rebekah.

I let out an excited squeal at the thought that I'll soon have a new cousin.

"What is it, darling?" Remus asks looking up from his paper.

"My aunt is getting married and she and her fiancé are planning on having a baby afterwards." I say grinning. "I'm just glad they decided to have the wedding when I'm gonna be there."

"I'm sure they wouldn't want you to miss it." Remus says.

We carry on throughout the day like normal. After my last class I go to meet up with my boys when I'm stopped by a tap on my shoulder. I turn and groan when I see who it is.

"What do you want Calvin?" I ask rubbing my temples. I spot my boys just a few feet away chatting while they wait for me.

"You, me, Hogsmeade, this Saturday?" He asks like usual.

"I'm not interested." I say and start to leave.

"Why?" Calvin's Slytherin friend asks.

"Because I have a boyfriend already." I say already exhausted with this conversation.

"Oh yeah? Who?" The other Ravenclaw taunts. I smirk and walk away from them.

"Sorry 'bout this." I say to Sirius, James and Peter. They look confused before I grab Remus' tie and pull him down to crush my lips against his.

I feel him freeze in shock before kissing me back. He places his hands on my waist to steady himself. I pull back while still holding onto his tie.

"What was that for?" Remus asks quirking an eyebrow up.

"A boy wouldn't leave me alone. Didn't believe I had an amazing boyfriend already." I say before letting go of his tie and letting him straighten up. I turn to the other three boys with an apologetic look. "Sorry. I was just annoyed because he hasn't left me alone for months now. I believe that should've got the message of 'I don't want to date you' through his thick skull."

"It's alright. If he tries anything again you should just hex him." Sirius says shrugging. He smirks when I gain a thoughtful look.

"Should've done that ages ago." I say pouting. I lean into Remus when he wraps an arm around me before taking a quick look to where I'd left Calvin and his friends. They're all standing there whispering furiously making me furrow my brows in worry. "You should be careful Remus, I don't think they liked me showing off my boyfriend."

James snorts at me. "I'd like to see them try something. They should know that it'd just cause a prank war which will end with us pummelling them into the ground." He says.

"That and I've already told McGonagall he's been harassing me for months so she'd totally be on our side." I say as we start walking to the common room.

"Ally!" A little boy calls making me turn.

"What's up Josh?" I ask the small first year Gryffindor.

"Everyone want to know if we're finishing the book tonight?" He asks beaming up at me.

"I guess we could finish it. I have nothing planned." I say glancing at Remus who shakes his head. "As long as you all get your homework done beforehand, I'll finish it. Ok?"

"Yup. Thank you." He calls already running back to his friends, obviously going to tell them what we'd agreed on.

"Book club tonight then?" Sirius asks teasingly. I give him a shove which knocks him into James who in turn knocks into Peter who falls into the wall.

"You know I can't resist cuteness. Why do you think I'm going out with Rem?" I say grinning when Remus blushes and looks down. Sirius and James laugh at us. I stick my tongue at at them and then slip my hand into Remus' who laces our fingers together.

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