Chapter 11

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Today was my last day in America. By tonight I would be back in England. In all honesty I didn't want to leave my dad but I knew I had to finish school. I look up from my packed bag as a knock sounds on my door.

"Ally?" Dad calls through the door.

"Come in." I say and smile when he steps into the room. "What's up?"

"The family got you a parting gift." Dad says as he hands me a small wrapped gift.

"Thank you." I say as I take of the wrapping paper. "You guys didn't have to."

"Think of it as a small momento from your time with us." Dad says. I open the small box and gasp at the bracelet that it held.

"It's beautiful Dad

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"It's beautiful Dad." I say giving him a hug. "I love it." I stare at it with a happy smile before taking it out and handing it to my dad. "Help me put it on?"

"Of course, love." Dad says. He clasps it on my wrist and I give him another hug.

"Elijah has planned a family dinner before your send off." Dad says when he pulls back.

"Ok. When is it?" I ask as I close my bag up.

"In an hour. Rebekah also wants to talk to you." Dad says before kissing my forehead. "I'll see you then."

"Bye Dad." I say smiling at him as he leaves my room. A couple minutes later Rebekah comes gliding into the room.

"All packed?" She asks as she looks at my bags.

"Yup." I say rubbing my arms.

"We all wish that you could stay." Rebekah says softly. I give her a sad smile.

"I know, but I have school and the Potter's to think about. They've been nothing but kind since I randomly appeared in their garden. I can't just leave all my friends from Hogwarts either." I say. "I'll be back though. Maybe for longer next summer."

"We'll be counting down the days." Rebekah says as she hugs me. "Now I've got the perfect outfit for dinner tonight."

She hands me a bag and I peek inside. I look up at her and she gently pushes me towards the bathroom. I slip on the clothes she'd handed me.

"I knew it

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"I knew it. You look beautiful." Rebekah squeals when I step out the bathroom.

"Thanks Auntie Bekah." I say grinning.

"Come on. We better head downstairs." She says linking our arms.


The dinner had gone well in that there were only a couple threats. Soon I was standing next to the portkey that was sending back to England.

"I'll miss you." I say as I hug each of my aunts and uncles.

"We'll miss you too." Finn says with a small smile. They head back to the cars to give me and Dad a minute.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I say as I hug him tightly.

"I'll miss you too." He says.

"I love you Daddy." I say burying my head into the crook of his neck.

"I love you too, my littlest wolf." I huff out a laugh at the nickname as tears begin to well in my eyes. I quickly wipe them away as I pull back.

"I'll see you next summer." I say as I step closer to the portkey.

"If I don't then I'm coming to England." Dad threatens jokingly. I laugh before waving goodbye and grabbing the portkey. I land in the Potter's backyard again. I head in through the back door.

"I'm home." I call as I enter. Rushed footsteps come from the door in front of me and a minute later I'm swept up in a hug by James.

"I missed you!" He says as he spins me around.

"I missed you too." I say laughing. I quickly hug Mum and Dad before they let me go upstairs and unpack. Lunar jumps off the bed and comes running at me full speed when I open my bedroom door.

"Hey midget." I say as she tries to lick my face. "It's good to see you."


I wake up to the sound of knocking at the door. I sit up and furrow my eyebrows when my clock says it was 4:37am.

"James." I say shoving him slightly. He groans in response. "Someone's at the door."

"Mum or Dad'll get it." James waves me off as he rolls over. I fidget a bit before throwing the blanket off of me. I head downstairs and make my way to the front door. I grip my wand in my hand in case the person was dangerous.

"Sirius?" I ask confused when I open the door. "What's wrong?"

I open the door fully for him to come in. I quickly grab a blanket for him as it was quite cold that night. I call for Mum and Dad while I do. They rush downstairs followed by James.

"Mum didn't like that Uncle Alphard left his inheritance to me. Nearly killed me. This is the first place I thought to come." Sirius says obviously shaken up about what had nearly happened. Mum sits him down in the living room and goes to get him a cup of hot chocolate.

"Oh my Merlin." Dad mutters as he sits down in front of Sirius. James sits next to him and I sit on his other side.

"You are staying with us." Mum says resolutely when she comes back with hot chocolate. Sirius goes to protest but Mum cuts him off. "I will not allow, in good conscience, to let you go back to a place that might kill you." She gives him a look that says 'try me'. Sirius nods minutely over the rim of his mug.

"It's not like we don't have the room." James jokes bumping his shoulder lightly.

"Come, we'll set up a room for you and talk more in the morning." Dad says standing. Mum makes her way upstairs. "I'm sure James won't mind lending you some clothes until we can get you more."

Sirius follows Dad and James up to a spare room which was across the hall from mine. I nudge James into the room. When he looks back at me I give him a reassuring smile.

"He needs you more than I do." I whisper. "I've got Lunar for tonight. Now go." I give him another nudge before turning and heading to my room. I curl up next to Lunar and fall asleep after some time.

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