Chapter 14

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I lay down on my stomach on my bed. Lunar whimpers and noses at my neck, obviously smelling the blood. I'd changed into some pyjamas to get out of my blood soaked uniform. I tied my hair into a messy bun and curl up painfully next to Lunar. I fall into an exhausted sleep as I feel blood trickling down my back.

I'm woken up by a loud gasp. I startle awake and accidentally shove Lunar off my bed. She yelps as she hits the floor making me give her a pet when she places her head on the bed next to me.

"What?" I ask groggily turning to look at Lily who's by the door.

"The back of your shirt is completely red." Lily whispers. "What did he do?"

"What?" I ask again, still drunk on sleep and bloodlust.

"I'm going to get your boys." Lily says before taking off downstairs. I sit up quickly before wincing when my back stretches.

"What happened?" Remus and James ask as they, Sirius and Peter run into my dorm.

"That's what I'm going to find out." I say before looking at the boys. "I'm about to take my shirt off. If you're uncomfortable, look away but it's coming off. I'm keeping my bra on but it may need to be unclasped."

Peter immediately averts his eyes and goes to stand by the door. I pull up my shirt and throw it with my blood soaked uniform.

"What's the damage?" I ask as I try and look at my back in the mirror. Remus coughs.

"You've got a really deep cut from your right shoulder to your lower back." Remus says softly. I sigh and unclasp my bra but hold it to my chest so it doesn't fall off completely.

"Any signs that the bleeding will stop soon?" I ask. Sirius shakes his head and starts to apply pressure using an old shirt that Lily had dug out of her trunk.

"No. We should head to Madam Pomfrey. You've been sleep for hours so you've lost a lot of blood." James says worriedly. "We don't even know what spell he used or how to cure it."

"He used something called Sectumsempra. Translates to Cut Always from Latin." I supply as I take a blood replenishing potion I had in my trunk. I look at the small vile of my dad's blood and debate taking that as well before deciding to save it.

"I seen that written in his journal. It was written under curses. He had it circled a few times with 'for enemies' written beside it. It didn't say anything about any countercurse." Lily says apologetically.

"It's a good thing I dipped into his mind then, isn't it?" I say sarcastically. I write down the countercurse and hand it to Remus. "Say it, then trace the cut."

"Dipped into his mind?" Lily asks confused as Remus does as I say. I bite my lip when I feel my back start to knit itself together.

"Ally's a Legilimens." Peter says helpfully from where he's stood.

"She can read minds?" Lily asks curiously.

"Yeah. I have control over it. Won't dip into minds that I don't want to." I say grinding my teeth against the pain. "I swear it hurts more getting it fixed than getting it cut."

"Done." Remus says. He mutters a cleaning spell and I feel all the wet and dried blood leave my back. "It's left a very noticeable scar."

I feel his finger run gently down my back. I sigh and nod. I reclasp my bra and tug on a sweater of Remus' that I'd stolen last year. He gets a small blush when he sees me in it.

All our heads whip to the dorm door when a knock sounds from it. Lily goes and opens it to reveal McGonagall.

"Is Allison Marshall-Potter here?" She asks Lily before looking around the room shocked. First she takes in the four frozen boys standing about before zeroing in on the blood on the floor and my clothes. "Merlin's beard. What happened?"

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