"Sorry, I'm new," Chenle managed to say as the teacher nodded his head.
"Ah, yes! I was expecting a new student today! I'm Mr. Moon and I will be your Chemistry and Algebra teacher," Mr. Moon spoke kindly, but Chenle was still nervous as everybody continued to stare.
"Please introduce yourself."

"I-I'm China f-from Zhong Chenle," Chenle stuttered, trying to sound as confident as he could with his pronunciation. The whole class snickered, making Chenle question why they were doing so. He looked like a lost puppy, which he was as he was being judged by the rest of the dogs who knew where they were and where they belonged.

Realizing why they were laughing, Chenle mentally facepalmed himself and cursed internally.

'I screwed up.'

The teacher tapped his desk with a ruler, grabbing the classes attention as they halted their laughter. "That's enough," he spoke sternly and turned towards Chenle, giving him a friendly smile. "Chenle, please find a seat. If you need any help with anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Chenle mumbled a 'thank you,' bowing and tightening his grip on his back pack. He searched for an empty seat and it seemed they were all full besides two. He made his way to the first seat he saw but quickly stopped in his tracks as the person next to the empty desk placed their bag on top of it. Chenle frowned and the teacher caught it all.

Mr. Moon was upset with his student and was about to speak up, scolding them until one of the other students spoke up before him. "Chenle, you can sit with me!" A tanned boy with fading blonde hair that showed the brown roots waved his hand in the air, motioning for the said boy to come take a seat beside him.

Chenle smiled a bit and hastily made his way towards the boy, that was seated in the middle of the classroom by the windows. Taking a seat, Chenle pulled out his notebooks and pencils from his bag, not forgetting to say 'thank you' to the boy next to him.

"It's no problem! You seem really cool. My name is Lee Donghyuck, but my friends call me Haechan. And you sir, are now my friend," Donghyuck spoke brightly with a wide smile and giggled. This boy seems really friendly and shines as bright as the sun.

Chenle smiled and nodded his head. "Love you hair by the way. Maybe one of these days you can come over my house! Oh my gosh yes! And then I can dye your hair again. And I can also do your makeup too! You're going to look hot I swear," Haechan rambled and stopped himself, rubbing the back of neck. "Only if you want to of course. You look great either way."

"I'd l-like that," Chenle replied and the sun kissed male clapped his hands in excitement. He forgot that his hair had been dyed orange over the summer. He has already changed schools and living arrangements so why not change his hair to? A change would be nice. "Once I'm done, you're going to look even more like a bad bitch, just like me," Haechan said confidently, flipping not so long hair as Chenle giggled.

"Lee Donghyuck, watch your language," Mr. Moon warned and the said boy playfully rolled his eyes at him. Bold move if you'd ask Chenle, but the teacher ignored it. "Alright, we're starting class now. Open your Chemistry books to page 17," Mr. Moon instructed as the whole class groaned besides Chenle and Haechan.

Both boys opened their books and Haechan looked as eager as ever to get started. It must be his favorite subject is what Chenle thought.

'What an interesting start,' Chenle thought to himself and listened as the teacher taught.


Yayyy we have Haechan and Chenle besties uwu.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment if you'd like.

Let me know what you think!

I hope you are having an amazing day or night hehe

Much love...xx


I apologize for not updating Clouded Sunshine. I was originally going to update it last night, but my phone, which had the next chapter prewritten saved in my notes, had broke. Luckily, this chapter of Gummy Bear Acception was saved on wattpad and I was able to edit it on my laptop (which I'm currently using)! I should be getting a new phone today, maybe tomorrow at the latest so hopefully my chapter was saved in my sim card. I am going to rewrite the chapter just in case because more than likely, everything on my phone had been deleted and I cannot get them back. Expect the worse, but hope for the best...

It's upsetting, but hey what can you do? I'm going to start writing the chapter now so that I can try to have it updated by tonight, hopefully. I can't make any promises that it will be updated tonight as I will be busy with quite a few things today. I will try my best!

Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience and I'm sorry I let you down. I will do everything in my power to try and make sure this never happens again. 

Take care....xx

Gummy Bear Acception 《Chensung》||CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now