"Seriously tho, why are you so sensitive. You're a boy so you should have no problem showing your chest." Minho wondered opening his eyes again and looking at Jisung with a questioning gaze.
Of course the younger knew that in theory he shouldn't be insecure about his body but he had never even gone to the beach or pool so the only people that ever saw him without shirt were the doctors and his family including Dahyun.
He just felt uncomfortable with no clothes on...

So Jisung decided to ignore the older's question and jump on one leg to his wheelchair.

"Do you have scars or something that you want to hide?" Minho asked out of the blue making Jisung stop for a second.
Yes he did have scars on his back... only small ones but they were visible. However, that wasn't something Jisung did feel ashamed of. He just hated being asked questions about them because it'd make him think of his father.

Slowly he shook his head. It might be lying but Jisung really didn't want to bring that topic up by implying that he did actually have more scars.

"Hm, whatever. Let's go, my dad is arriving in 5 minutes and the whole household usually comes to greet him after he's gone for a longer period of time." Minho explained while pulling his phone out to check the time.

"So you have no choice but to come along." He added and in the next moment Jisung's wheelchair was already pushed through the endless hallways.

When they arrived outside, all the other chefs, housekeepers, cleaning staff and gardnerers were all standing in small rows and in front of them were Felix and their mother Lady Lee who turned around when noticing her oldest son had arrived.

"What took you so long?" She coldly asked looking down at Jisung who kept his mouth shut and head down.

"Oh, I just needed help with my earring and my personal assistant was so nice to help me even though he is freed from work currently." he lied perfectly without seeming suspicious in any way. Even Felix was believing it with no doubt.

"Whatever, you there... go to the others." she demanded pointing her red painted nails at the other people so Jisung quickly bowed and turned his wheelchair around to leave.
For a short moment he was stopped and felt something warm being put around his shoulders.

"You forgot to bring a jacket, silly." Jisung heard Minho's whisper before he was pushed a little and stopped next to Dahyun.

Minho had just given him his scarf. It was a large dark blue one that Jisung rembered Minho often wearing when being outside.

Suddenly feeling warm and sweet inside Jisung wrapped the scarf closer around himself.

'It smells like him...'his thoughts drifted of for second before he could catch himself.
'Why do I know how he smells like?!' he realized in horror the seemingly countless times when he had been so close to Minho to smell that flowery fragance of his. It was always very light like a field full of cherry blossom trees.

'I must have gone crazy.' Jisung quickly shook the thought of although he knew well that he had been crazy his whole life.

Meanwhile, Dahyun gazed down at her nephew with a grin. She knew too well that this scarf was one of young master Minho's absolute favourites and that he'd never let anyone touch it. But now he lend it to Jisung with no hesitation...

'I already suspected something when I saw them together in the kitchen...' Dahyun remembered, her grin growing wider.
'Jisung must really mean something to the young master.'

In that moment a fancy looking large black car stopped in front of all the people before a butler opened the door on the side to help a man in his late 50s getting out of his seat.

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