Chapter 12: Romance-ish

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-Dream's POV-

It was quiet and Bad was talking with Tubbo across the lake, seemed easy enough to slip away with George. I mean if he would wake up!


George fell off the bed from me shaking him violently to get up. "What is it..." George yawned as he slowly pushed himself into a sitting position on the ground.

"Finally, I've been shaking you for ten minutes. Your such a heavy sleeper." I grabbed his hand and pulled him off the ground, he didn't bother standing so he lazily leaned against me almost cuasing us both to topple over. "Get off. I'm gonna fall over you lazy boy." I chuckled. 

"Finneee..." His voice trailed off as he pushed himself away from me, close to losing his balance but catching himself. "What do you want Dre?"

"I want to talk with you, follow me and I'll let you sleep in peace when were done."


"Shhhh. Don't want Tubbo or Bad to notice we left." I shook my head and slowly headed towards where the village was at. When we had passed through it earlier that day, I noticed a small cliff off to the side with very few trees. Seemed like a great spot to just lay back and talk in peace for once in this game.

"Dre, where are we going though...?"

"It's a surprise George. Were almost there anyway." I could see the village just ahead of us so I turned to the left, towards the cliff.

"Oh, Ok then." He sounded a bit more energetic than tired when I said 'surprise'.

With in a few minutes we were at the cliff and George stood a few blocks away from me slightly nervous. "D-dream."


"I-i'm kind of, uh, afraid o-of hieghts..." He stuttered as he slowly inched towards me.

"Oh don't worry. Ill place some fences down so you can't fall. Ok?"

George nodded and sat down on the grass, a bit more at ease knowing I was putting up something to keep him safe.

"Happy now?"

"Yeah. Thank you Dream."

"Of course George..."

We both laid back on the grass looking up at the night sky. The moon was about 3/4 of the way high and was full. Whenever it's a full moon it's always safer, mob spawns go down to normal rather than hardcore. Though, it is one of the most beautiful times on the game. Some moments in the game can just be peaceful and make you feel like your back home, out of harms way. How I miss that, home, freedom...

"Dream look! A shooting star!" I snapped out of my thoughts and followed George's gaze. There were stars flying across the sky in a lovely pattern as we started to watch in silence. We both gazed upon the sky for awhile before I spoke, slightly nervous. This was the moment I've been waiting for, confessing to him. I have no clue if he sould actually like me back, so this might just be stupid and a waste of time but if either of us die and I never told him how I feel. Well, I would feel awful. This needs to be said to him.

"George. So, I don't know how much longer we have. Either of us, becuase you could die at any moment, maybe from being bad at PvP or just failing a jump-"

"Ok, just get to the point Dream." George looked unenthusied by me talking, and I don't blame him. I sounded like I was critizing him, not trying to confess.

I sighed, my breath shaky. "What I'm trying to say is... I don't know if we will ever get out or not and if we don't then I just need you to know George-"

" I love you." George said in a instant. He looked like he was sorry and embrassed for saying it. I'm guessing I looked shocked becuase before I could say anything he started going off. "I know it's dumb. I know you don't like me back. Don't worry, I just needed to tell you is all. No big deal if you say you hate me and never want to see or talk to me ever again."

"George shut up, let me speak!"

He shut up immedietly. (That's a first)

"I love you too Gogy." I smiled and hugged him. With in seconds he hugged me tightly and I could hear him crying quietly. "No need to cry about it George..." I smiled softly and lifted his head with my hand so he was looking straight at me. Before I could react, he reached out and pulled off my mask. I guess I was to shocked to realized what had happened or what happened next.

He kissed me.

-George's POV-

He had the most georgous face. Once the mask came off the first thing I noticed was his cute freckles and his dazzling green eyes. His eyes seemed to shine brighter than an emerald and were mesmerizing. His hood had fallen down enough I could fully see his dirty blonde locks of hair. Everything about him seemed perfect. Perfect enough that I leaned in while he was staring at me, and I kissed him. The moment I realized what I did, I pulled away. That was embrassing, stupid even. 

I could feel my face burning up as I quickly turned away from him. I love him so much, ever since the first day I met him. I just had hoped his face reveal to me wouldn't be in game but in real life. In the end I guess this was good enough if we never get out of here. But once we do get out, he owes me a real life face reveal and I mean it.

Turning back around to look at Dream, I relaized he was still staring at me.


In a instant he pulled me into another kiss and we stayed like that for what seemed like forever, what I wished was forever. Once he pulled away he was blushing, not embrassed like I was, but still seemed a bit flustered.

"T-that was nice." Be stammered as he laid back down.

"Yeah, if only it could stay like that." After that I laid down, curled up next to him.

"I love you George. With all my heart." He mumbled as he started to fall asleep, his mask in his hands.

"I love you to the moon and back Dream..." Soon everything around me started turning to nothing as I drifted off to sleep, only hearing the sound of Dream's heart beat playing in my ears.


Becuase it's valentines day I did a lovey chapter, as you can tell. As you can ALSO tell, I'm bad at this stuff. I prefer to stick with the main story or sad/funny parts.

For all you DreamNotFound shippers... SMH)

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