Chapter 2: The secret diary

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-Tommy's POV-

The lake outside was freezing, I could barely feel my feet as I waded in. Tubbo was already swimming around and calling me to hurry up. HOW DO YOU HURRY UP IF YOU CAN'T FEEL YOUR FEET! Can't complain though, he can't know I'm weak in anyway. Just have to push throu-

"GOTCHA!" Tubbo laughed as he splashed me with a wave of freezing water. What the heck! How is he not wanting to die from this!? Whatever, I'm getting payback so screw the cold.

"GET OVER HERE YOU IDIOT!" Without giving it a second thought I went under the water and swam as fast as I could, straight into him, pulling Tubbo under the water with me. He was kicking me but I ignored it, not like i could feel it for how numb my entire body was. After a moment, I let him go. Didn't want to drown my brother after all. Or myself. As my lungs gasped for air when I hit the surface, Tubbo shoved my head in the water.

"Jerk..." I heard Tubbo mumble.

When I popped my head back up I couldn't help but smile. "I'm the jerk huh?"

"Yes! You tried drowning me!"

"Well I'm sorry that your so weak you couldn't hold your breath as long as me."

"Pfft- the only reason you let me go was because you were out of air."

"Was not!" 

"Oh really?"


"Prove it. I'll count while your head is under water. If you last 20 seconds then your better than me. Deal?"

Tubbo was so dumb sometimes. "Deal." 

"3...2...1...GO" I dunked my head under the water after taking a deep breath. No way I couldn't beat Tubbo he was so bad at everything I did. He was counting still, he was already in the teens when I felt my lungs start to burn. Crap, I need to last a few more seconds...just a few more...

I popped up for are gasping, I so had to have been more than 20 seconds. Right?

"16 seconds." He fell backwards in the water laughing. "YOU DID WORSE THAN ME!"

"Shut up. I'm done." Wadding back to shore I felt the wind blowing making me shiver more than I was already. Was everything here so cold? I walked inside with my red beach towel around my neck. Mom was in the kitchen when I walked inside through the back door.

"Are you done outside sweetie? I made you and your brother some snacks." Mom said while she was washing her hands in the sink.

"Oh, thanks mom. Tubbo should be inside in a minute to eat. I'm just going to take mine to my room." I grabbed the a few pizza rolls and shoved one in my mouth as I ran to my room. I still had plenty of research I have to do.

-Tubbo's POV-

I stood on the back porch for a moment just to enjoy the breeze while I dried off with my lime green beach towel. Everything here was so peaceful. Well, when Tommy wasn't around. Gathering my water bottle and goggles that i had brought out, I walked inside to see Mom in the kitchen and a plate full of pizza rolls. Yum.

"Oh, hey sweetie. Pizza rolls are on the counter, your brother just went up to his room if you were wondering."

"Thanks Mum." I grabbed as many Pizza rolls as I could hold and then went up the stairs. Walking slowly because I learned my lesson last time and I still have the bruise to prove it. When i got up the stairs I decided to leave Tommy alone for now. I walked into my room and saw the book lying on my desk. Oh yea, the book, Techno's book...

Sitting down I opened the book to the first page, seemed like a diary? The date was smudged, but i could just barely see the year


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