"I mean, between Caroline and Stefan running around, Jo being absolutely pissed at Ric. Oh and don't even get me started on you Damon. How's Elena by the way? Still avoiding you?" Kai said as he took a seat on the couch putting his feet up on the center table.

"What-why-How did you even hear about all that?" Damon said.

"People talk." Kai replied shrugging his shoulders. We made eye contact and he raised his eyebrows.

Bonnie must have noticed our staring  and pulled me aside to the hallway past the entry way.

"What are you doing Bonnie-" she immediately shushed me. Once we were around the corner with barely any light at all, she let go of my wrist and faced me.

"We don't have much time. This is our chance." She said.

"Chance for what?"

"To kill him, Kai." Bonnie whispered.

"No." I immediately replied.

"What? No? Sabrina we have to kill him." She said.

"Bonnie we are not killing him." I expressed.

"Why do you keep trying to defend him?" She yelled-whispered.

"He's-just-just, we are not killing him okay?" Bonnies face was littered with confusion and frustration.

"Don't you know what he did to me?" Bonnie said tears starting to cascade down her cheek. Even in the dim light I could still see them.

Yes, and I feel terrible

I hated hurting my best friend. Because before this morning, Every part of me would have killed Kai.

That's how much I cared about Bonnie. Before Kai had apologized and told me his feelings, I hated him so much I would have killed him with no thought.

But now things were different. Kai was different. And above all, I think I as a person, was different.

"Bonnie, I cant-" I started but she pushed past me and made her way back to the living room.

"So how was girl talk?" Kai asked as I followed after Bonnie.

We both said nothing and Bonnie opened the door.

"Bonnie wait-" she slammed the door as she left.

So much for having my friend back

"What was that about?" Damon asked. I turned around to see the two of them.

"Nothing." I lied.

Kai looked at me sideways like he was trying to silently ask if I was okay.

Which I wasn't

"Well it's late, I'm going to bed." Damon said. "That's means scram," He pointed at Kai.

"Can't I finish my drink first?" He said.

"Fine, just leave as soon as your done. I don't like the idea of you being in my house without supervision." Damon said as he started for the stairs. He was at the threshold of where the stairs began, when Kai said something that made him stop in his tracks.

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