C H A P T E R 3

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"Wow, great burn Allison, I think Diego needs some ice."


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Everyone was around the kitchen table while five walked around the kitchen making a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich. Svetlana stood behind Diego, who was half sitting on the edge of the table.

"What's the date? The exact date" Five asked.

"The 24th" Vanya responded

"Of what?" Five asked

"March" Svet responded, sending her brother a small smile

"Good" He replies, returning her gesture.

"So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?" Luther asks Five, but Five just ignores Luther and continues making his sandwich.

"It's been 17 years." Luther states, getting up from his chair. Svetlana thought it was maybe to assert dominance, but either way she groaned at the gesture.

"It's been a lot longer than that." Five scoffs, taking a step closer to Luther then blinked behind him to grab something off the shelf.

"I haven't missed that." Luther grimaced causing Svetlana to roll her eyes.

"Where'd you go?" Diego asks the question everyone wants to know the answer to.

"The future" Five replies, blinking back to the head of the table. "It's shit, by the way" he added

"Called it" Klaus exclaimed at the same time Svet said "I knew it" under her breath.

"I should've listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice" Five states, quoting their father then looks up at Klaus and comments "Nice dress"

"Oh, well, danke!" Klaus responds.

"Wait, how did you get back?" Vanya asking the other question everyone wanted to know the answer to.

"In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every instance of time." He replies, but Svetlana has absolutely no idea what he's talking about and by the looks on her sibling's faces they don't either.

"That makes no sense" Diego states as Svetlana simultaneously says "What?"

"Well, it would if you were smarter." Five says to Diego, causing him to get up lunging to attack him, but Luther puts his arm up before he can do anything.

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