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30 years ago

On the twelfth hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.

Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.



Svetlana Hargreeves was finally happy, she was in her small cottage in Peillon, France doing the one thing she loved most, painting. She had her paintbrush in her right hand and her left engulfed in red mist, looking over to the kitchen and you could see a tea bag being dunked up and down into a mug with the same red mist around it.

She was just painting when her phone rang, she put down the paintbrush and let the tea bag settle in the mug. She picks it up and at first assumes it's just Diego but is surprised to hear the voice of Pogo, a chimp that was much more of a father than Reginald could ever be.

"Hello Miss Svetlana" are the first words she's heard from him in years

"Hi, Pogo" she sighs, thinking of how nice it is to hear his comforting and familiar voice

"I'm afraid i have some terrible news"

"What do you mean "terrible news"? What happened Pogo?" she asks frantically, worried that maybe she'd lost another sibling.

"It's your father, I'm afraid that he's passed"

Svet lets out a small breath of relief when Pogo tells her these words, even though she hasn't spoken to most of them in years, the thought of losing another sibling makes the woman's heart ache. She is almost completely sure that she couldn't go through this again.

"So, does this mean you want me to come back?" Svetlana asks anxiously, she's never had any intention of going back to the place that still haunts her thoughts and dreams to this very day.

"Why yes miss, I do. all of your siblings will be back as well, it might be nice to have you all back. I've already purchased a plane ticket for you, if you'd like to come back home"

Svetlana takes a minute to think. she realizes that she'd do anything for the ape on the other side of the phone, she'd risk her life if needed. When she left she'd told Pogo exactly where she was going and what she had planned to do, to say he was happy for the girl was a major understatement. She made him promise not to tell her father and of course he never did.

"Of course I'll come back Pogo, anything for you" she said with a small smile he obviously couldn't see, yet he could sense it even from thousands of miles away.

Pogo smiles softly and replies "It'll be lovely seeing you again, farewell for now miss"

"Goodbye Pogo"with those words she hangs up the phone and lets out a tired sigh, placing her head in her hands and rubbing her face a few times, realizing what she had just agreed to.

Author's note
Welcome to "Returned", this is my first fanfic ever and I'm very excited to share it with you guys!

Please leave any constructive comments or thoughts about the book as it would be greatly appreciated :)

Don't forget to comment, vote and share if you're enjoying the story!

-Sarah xx

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