Chapter 18

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Daichi's POV

My mom was, surprised, to say the least.. when I mentioned moving in with Suga. I mean, I would be turning 18 soon so she couldn't technically stop me. (I think the age of adulthood is actually age 20 in Japan, but we're gonna pretend it's 18 like it is in the U.S)

"Daichi... Can I talk to you privately?"

"..Sure." I said, leaving Suga and following her to the kitchen. Once we were alone, she sighed gently and looked up at me.

"Daichi, where is this coming from?? I mean, I understand you and Suga get along very very well. But, don't you think it's a bit crazy to just move in with him like that?"

"..I mean, I don't know. I don't.. see an issue with it.."

"Well, you will be 18 soon.. and you could move out if you would like. But, I think you're a bit young to be moving in with your boyfriend.."


"Well, I would rather you think about it Daichi. Okay?" My mom said with a small smile. I slowly nodded as she and I returned to the living room. My mom's phone rang, so she excused herself and walked off to answer the call. After she was gone, Suga leaned over.

"What'd she say??"

"She said she thought that moving in with you so early would be crazy."

"Did she really say it'd be crazy?"


"Mm. Sounds like she's calling you crazy."


"You brought it up to her as your idea. And she claimed it's crazy. What else could she possibly mean?" Suga said, crossing his arms. I furrowed my brows slightly while glancing at my lap. I mean.. that is true. If she was considering my idea crazy, then she'd be calling me crazy too.

"Yeah, you're right Suga."

"Are you okay, Daichi?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled, turning and looking at Suga who was looking up at me with a concerned look. I was a bit angry. First, everyone at school kept looking at me as if I were crazy. Now my own family was too. I was getting tired of it.

"Suga.. I want to move in with you."

Noya's POV
"How is he??" I asked a nurse who happened to be passing by. She took me to Asahi's room and left us alone after telling me to not touch anything. I wandered closer to the bed and looked down at him.

They had all kinds things to try and keep him warm. I saw they had like a heated blanket over him and an IV with probably that weird warm saline or whatever it is.

"Asahi??" I said, wondering if he was awake. Asahi looked at me tiredly as I stepped closer.

"Hi... Noya." He muttered. I bit my lip and tried to not cry, but I don't think I really succeeded.

"You scared me... why didn't you tell someone you were feeling so unwell....!!?"


"What happened..?"

"...I think it was Suga."

Suga's POV
Daichi and I left his mother's home and back to my apartment. His mom was quite upset over this, but Daichi didn't care. And I didn't either. We spent some time together when there was a knock at the door. I sighed and got up, answering the door and quite shocked to see a police officer.


"Good afternoon Mr. Sugawara Koshi. May I come in?"


"I need to do a search."

"For what?"

"There was an incident and the last place the victim was, was your apartment. It's standard to search the last places he was."

"Victim? Who are you talking about?"

"I'm not authorized to say his name. Now, may I please come in?"

"Hmph. Show me a permit." I said, the officer handing me one. Dang it.

"Fine, come in." I said, stepping aside. Daichi watched in confusion while I simply just watched the officer look around. He found nothing particularly strange I'm sure.

"May I ask you a few questions?"


"Are you on any medications?"


"What type?"

"An antipsychotic."

"May I see your prescription bottle?" The officer asked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed one for him, letting him look at it.

"How do you get your medication?"

"My parents have them mailed to me."

"You live alone?"

"Right now yeah."

"Alright. Thank you for your time sir." The officer said, handing me back my medication bottle before heading out. Daichi stood next to me and tilted his head.

"What was that all about?"

"I don't know." I lied. I knew exactly what that was about. Agh. That overdose of my medicine was supposed to have killed Asahi. I guess I underestimated our height and weight difference. But still, it should have made him excessively ill.

"Don't worry about it Daichi. Anyway, why don't we prepare a dinner and get ready for bed?" I suggested, Daichi nodding as he helped me cook. We showered together before heading to bed. Daichi fell asleep quickly while I cuddled him.

If Asahi wants to try and get me arrested, he can do his best. The medication I gave him is a generic and popular brand so it wasn't personalized. I had no history of doing such things. I emptied my medication so it seemed I took them. But took just enough to keep it in my blood stream if a test was taken. And I had Daichi and other students and teachers they can question. Then he'd have to give up.

Or I can just get rid of Asahi before he can get too far. Whichever comes first.

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