Chapter 12

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Heads up: Basically involves Suga manipulating and drugging Daichi

Suga's POV
Hm. What are some ways to try and get Daichi to snap? I laid there quietly while staring at the wall. Daichi was asleep right now and I was cuddled up to him in thought. I've read a lot of stories about people who've gone mad. I still personally don't consider myself as "crazy", but by other people's definitions, I suppose I am. So. Why not live up to that? Plus it'd still be so fun for Daichi to me "crazy" with me.

There were stories of men going mad from physical means of torture. But, as much as I love the idea of permanency on Daichi and I, I don't want him to look too beaten up. I also don't want to leave him TO damaged. But I'd be willing to repair him if I need to.

I glanced at Daichi, slowly scooting out of his grip and walking to the kitchen. I opened the cabinet I had hidden the drugs I had taken from that guy in. Perhaps I could make good use of these. But, these medications were mostly used to knock someone out and cause some memory loss. Though, that could be useful. If Daichi were to believe he was having blackouts, that'd be something stressful to him. And stress could easily induce sleeplessness and nightmares. He'd have to believe what I say to keep his grips on reality.

I grinned to myself, taking one of the capsules and opening it. To not hurt him too much at first, I poured half of the medicine in and let it dissolve into a glass of water. I set the glass down and returned to the bedroom. Slowly, I climbed back into the bed with Daichi. I had to wake him carefully and not too suspiciously. So, I wiggled a little bit and "stretched" with my arms kinda in his face. Daichi scrunched his nose and slightly woke up.

"Mm... Suga??"

"Hm? Sorry, was I moving too much?"

"....No, you're alright.." He mumbled with a yawn. I nodded and sat up a little, giving him a kiss. Daichi looked at me with a small smile until I frowned.

"Is something wrong Suga?"

"Your face feels warm."

"Does it?"

"Yeah. Here. Stay here. I'm gonna get you some water." I said, grabbing the glass and giving it to Daichi. He sipped at it until the small glass was empty. I took the glass and set it aside, staying upright until Daichi started looking a little extra tired.

"You okay babe?" I asked with some concern, leaning down and brushing my fingers through his hair.

"..Yeah. No. I just, I feel tired.. suddenly." He said, his speech starting to sound a bit funny.

"Oh, it must be something bad, Daichi."


"Mhm. You know. Didn't a girl at lunch give you a drink?"


"Maybe she made you sick." I said, Daichi furrowing his brows.


"Yeah, you don't feel well baby.. and it's all her fault." I said, giving Daichi's forehead a kiss. I knew that he wouldn't remember a word I was saying. At least not remember consciously. But it'd linger in the back of his memories. It'd always be there. Daichi's consciousness was starting to slip, so I pulled the covers over us while comfortingly dragging my fingers along his arm. I slipped my hand under his shirt, my finger tracing along his stomach and chest as well.


"You can sleep Daichi, I'll take care of you." I said, waiting until Daichi passed out before I went to sleep as well.

Daichi's POV
"Waking up??" Suga said with a smile when I opened my eyes. I looked at him before nodding.


"You okay???"

"Yeah, I just, I feel like I had a weird dream."

"What was it about?"

"I don't know, can't remember. I just remember that it was weird." I said with a small smile, Suga looking a bit concerned. I told him to not worry about it as he wrapped his arms around me and cuddled up. Suga was a big cuddler, but I don't mind. It was actually very nice and he was a clingy lover. But I liked it.

"Suga, did you sleep okay last night?"

"Mhm, I'm just more worried about you."

"Don't be worried baby. It was just a weird dream. Anyway, are you ready for the upcoming game against Nekoma??"

"Nervous. I've not played an actual game against another team in a while."

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"Have you played against Nekoma?"

"No. I heard their team is good. I've heard that they're actually, pretty, pretty incredible. Mainly something about their setter."

"Their setter?"

"Yeah, someone said that he's great." I said, Suga slowly nodding. I was a bit worried in a way, but at the same time, it was just a game. Nothing to stress too much over. At least.. I'm trying not to...

"Daichi, you alright?"


"Thinking of the game?"

"Yeah, I mean, I'm the team's captain. And if we lose, I mean it'd be my fault. Who knows what the others would think, not to mention the other school. They'll just see me as a slack-off captain of our team." I said, Suga cuddling up to me closer. He gave me a small smile and a little kiss. It certainly made me feel better with him here for me. But I was still stressing over this thing. Probably more than I should be. But just as he's done before, Suga would be here to keep me grounded.

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