Chapter 6

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Few Days Later at School: Suga's POV

It was pissing me off everyone kept talking to Daichi about Michimiya. All I wanted to do was tell them that Daichi was fine, that I was the one taking care of him and that he doesn't need any of them. But there was nothing that I could do to them, too many. 

At the end of the day and end of practice, everyone helped clean up before heading home. I was getting ready to walk with Daichi when Asahi walked over. Oh yeah. The other third year on the team.

"Hi Daichi. Hi Suga." He said with a small smile. I smiled at him as Daichi smiled tiredly.

"Hi Asahi. How're you doing..?"

"I'm fine. The real question is how are you doing, Daichi?"

"Alright, I guess." Daichi mumbled and received a hug from the team's ace. I watched in silence before looking away.

"I'm sorry about what happened Daichi."

"It isn't your fault, it's no one's fault Asahi." 

"I suppose. Come on, we can all walk home together." Asahi suggested. Ohhhh no that's not happening.

"Hey Asahi? Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked with a smile, Asahi nodding and walking over to me. Daichi said he was going to lock up the locker room and clubhouse, so he walked off while Asahi and I stood outside together.

"What'd you need Suga? How're you liking Karasuno?"

"It's wonderful. But I wanted to ask you something."


"Are you and Noya together?" I asked, even in the dark, I could see his face go red.


"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be invasive. But he clearly seems to like you." I said with a smile, Asahi laughing slightly before looking at me.

"Oh, no we aren't- wait he does?"

"Of course! Don't you notice how much he likes to be around you?"

"Well, I mean, he and I are good friends. We have been since he was a first year..."

"I'm sure you are good friends, but the way he looks and acts around you just made me think, you know." I said while giggling, Asahi blushing like mad.

"I.. never noticed."

"I think that you should go talk to him."

"..I might."

"Why don't you go catch up with him now? He left only minutes ago, he can't have gotten far."

"Oh, well, I can just stay with you and Daichi."

"Don't be silly. Daichi knows that we're all here for him, and I'll stay with him. Besides, you can talk to him another time perhaps, but go see Noya before you lose that courage."

"You sure?"

"Of course I am. Go on, I bet it'll go well for you." I said with a wink, Asahi laughing faintly and nodding.

"I guess... Alright, please tell Daichi I'll walk back with you guys tomorrow okay?"

"..Sure." I mumbled, watching him rush off to go catch up with Noya. I smiled to myself and wandered off to go find Daichi. He was finishing locking up everything for the night before he turned around and saw me.

"Hey Suga. Where'd Asahi go?"

"Oh, Noya messaged him and asked him to walk back home. You know, stay in pairs for safety and all that." I said with a wave of my hand. Daichi nodded with a small smile in understanding.

"Oh I see. That's alright, I'd rather both of them be safe."

"Yeah, I would too." 

"Well, let's get going." Daichi said, tucking his keys away and adjusting his bag over his shoulder. Before he could start walking, I grabbing his hands and gently pushed him so his back was against the clubhouse wall.

"Suga?" He asked questioningly. I smiled, giving him a deep kiss since we were in private. Daichi seemed a little surprised but kissed me back as passionately.



"You're only mine, right?" 

Daichi's POV

I was a little surprised by Suga's question. He and I have only been dating for a little bit, so it was a little bit of a, not strange, but... I guess possessive question. But I tried to not think of it. Maybe he had a relationship that ended poorly and he was just feeling a bit insecure.

"Yeah, I'm yours." I said, Suga smiling happily at me. Over the past few days, there's been a lot of support going around the school. Everyone was trying to be supportive of each other, but Suga's been there for me more than anyone else.

Suga seemed happy with my answer, so he nodded and gave me another kiss before grabbing my hand and pulling me off to head home. I had offered to walk Suga home first since he lived further, but he said he'd rather go home with me first.

While we walked, Suga held my hand while humming. I smiled faintly as I listened to him. I kinda wanted to hear what he'd sound like if he sang rather than just hummed. 

Once we were at my place, Suga gave me a kiss on the cheek goodnight before turning to head off. I felt a bit bad. He lived a bit far and there was a level of danger for anyone walking home alone at night. Even for a guy.

"Hey Suga?"

"Uh huh?"

"Do you uh, want to stay here the night? I don't want you walking home alone." I mumbled, Suga blinking a few times before giggling.

"Aw, are you sure Daichi?"

"Yeah, I don't mind." I said, Suga smiling happily and nodding as he walked inside the house with me. My mom looked over, smiling politely.

"Hi Daichi. Who's this?"

"Hi mom, this is Suga. He's my boyfriend." 

"Oh so YOU'RE the young man my son has talked about!" My mom said, making me embarrassed.

"...Mom..!" I complained, my mom laughing and walking over.

"How are you doing Suga?"

"I'm doing well ma'am." Suga said with a laugh and polite smile as my mom ended up giving him a hug. 

"I am SO glad that Daichi finally found someone he likes. Only took him 3 years of high school."


"Okay okay I'm done. It was very nice to meet you Suga!" My mom said enthusiastically. Suga and I laughed slightly and said goodnight to her before I led Suga to my room. Suga was smaller than me, so I gave him some clothes to wear and we both changed. 

We climbed into the bed together, Suga giggling as he climbed on top of me and kissed me happily. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he spoke quietly.

"Your mom seems, nice."

"Sorry about her. She's a little-" I began, being interrupted when something was slid underneath the door. Suga got off and let me get up to go look at it. When I leaned down, I picked up a condom pack...

"Mom!" I shouted down the hallway.

"BE SAFE." She shouted back at me. Suga ended up laughing hard as I sighed. I am so grateful my brother and sister weren't here tonight. I tossed the pack aside and climbed back into bed with Suga.

"You know what. I've made up my mind. I like your mom." Suga said with a genuine.

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