Chapter 17

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Next Day: Noya's POV

Huh? Where's Asahi? Is he looking around for Daichi and Suga again or something? No one around here has seen him.. And Asahi is never late to school. He's too scared he'll get in trouble... 

Me: Asahi???

Me: Are you sick?

Me: Where are you?

Me: Asahi pls let me know that you're okay

I spammed his messages and tried calling him a few times. But eventually, I had to give in and go to class. Asahi really wasn't here today... I'm scared, Asahi would never just skip out on school or anything..!

As soon as school was over, I ignored the others telling me to go to the gym for practice and ran to Asahi's place. His parent's aren't home right now because they have work, but I'm still worried. I mean, what if something happened? Once I reached Asahi's home, I knocked a million times before bonking myself on the head.

"Oh. I have a spare key." I said, reaching into my pocket and opening the door. Asahi had given me the key a long time ago, well before we were dating. He and his parents considered me close enough to give me a key in case I needed anything from them. 

"Asahi?? Are you in here...!" I called out, looking around cautiously. I walked inside, checking all the rooms. I sighed, opening Asahi's bedroom door and seeing a lump in the bed.

"Asahi???" I said, both confused and worried. I wandered over to him slowly and looked down at him. 

"...Asahi?" I said quieter, leaning over so I could see his face. He glanced at me before closing his eyes again and muttering something. Now I was really worried... He was obviously sick or something.. so sick he wasn't even moving.

"Asahi... are you okay..?" I mumbled, climbing into the bed and scooting over to the side Asahi was face. I pressed my hand to his face. He wasn't burning up, he was FREEZING.

"Oh my god.. Asahi you- come on we need to get you to the hospital.. wait no, I can't carry you. Hold on I'm gonna call the hospital." I rambled, nearly dropping my phone when I tried to grab it. The operator said that she was sending an ambulance, and thankfully it arrived soon. 

I watched anxiously as the paramedics got him into the back of the ambulance, and they let me come along with him. Once we were at the hospital, they took Asahi in to try and get his body temperature back up. I paced around the waiting room when Asahi's dad nearly fell over running in.

"I got a call from the hospital what's happening where's Asahi-" He rambled in a panic to a nurse. I watched quietly as the nurse tried calling Asahi's dad down. I was worried too... Asahi was just fine yesterday. He walked me home... What happened?

Suga's POV

I tossed out the orange medication bottle that was all melted and scribbled. The smell of burnt plastic was never nice, but better than leaving it whole with the labels still intact. While lighting some candles to try and get rid of the smell, I felt Daichi walk up behind me. I smiled when he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What was that smell?"

"Oh, I burned a plastic spoon my accident. Sorry!"

"Oh, alright." He mumbled, just resting his forehead on my shoulder. I smiled faintly, turning my head and giving his head a kiss.

"You doing okay?"


"Tomorrow's Saturday. Do you want to do something?"

"...I really should go see my mom.. She's been alone for the past few days." Daichi mumbled. I slowly nodded in understanding. 

"If you want to, that's fine." I said, not really minding too much. I mean, I do actually quite like Daichi's mother. I'd much more prefer that Daichi stay here with me, but I suppose a few hours at home would be fine.



"...Would you come with me?" He mumbled quietly. I grinned, nodding and wiggling till I was able to spin around and face him.

"Of course I will. Come on, let's go."

After Daichi and I had gotten changed, we walked together back to his place. Daichi unlocked the door with one hand, holding mine with the other. We stepped inside and took our shoes off as Daichi's mother walked over.

"Daichi! Suga! Feels like it's been ages since I've seen either of you." She said with a smile. She had us sit together and got us all some coffee.

"Sorry mom." Daichi said with a small smile as she sat down.

"Oh don't be sorry sweetie. You're 17, almost 18 now. You're growing up, I don't expect you to be home all the time anymore. How have you two been doing?"

"We've been doing fine."

"You know, one of your frie-"

"Hey Daichi, can I talk to you about something really quick?" I interrupted. Daichi and his mother both looked at me surprised. I apologized quickly to Daichi's mom before dragging my boyfriend away from her. I was aware his mother had good intentions, but I didn't need Daichi knowing about Asahi's concern for him.

"Is something wrong Suga?" 

"I want to talk to you about something really, really important."


"Your mom is right. You can't be here all the time. Both of us are nearly 18."


"Why don't you come and move in with me?"


"Come live with me. There's enough space in my apartment. And my parents are paying for it for me through college."

"Suga.. I don't know. I mean, don't you think that's a bit, much?"



"Think about it Daichi. It'd be only us. No one else." I said, slowly wrapping my arms around his neck. Daichi bit his bottom lip before looking around.

"What about my mom.."

"You can visit her. Besides, you'd be leaving home anyway for college or just to, grow up." I said with a smile. Daichi held onto me, looking into my eyes before slowly nodding.

"Okay.. we'll see what she says." He muttered. Even if his mother didn't agree, it'd be such a shock, perhaps an unpleasant surprise, that it'd distract her from whatever the hell Asahi was doing here. Not that it really mattered. Neither Daichi nor I had to worry about Asahi interfering. 

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