№59|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 3)

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“Montego… raising a fairy wolf isn’t gonna be easy. It’s a lot of work.” Chelia warned him, gazing into his hazel eyes. “I have to know you’re ready.”

“Of course I am, in fact…” Montego dug into his pocket, pulling out a little rattle with a wolf claw on it. “Saw it in the window of a store here in the Storm Region. I thought the baby might like it.”

Chelia held the rattle in the palm of her hands. Wrapping her arms around Montego, she sobbed heavily into his shoulder. “Montego, will you hate me if this baby isn’t a wolf?”

“I don't care if this baby is the loch ness monster, I’ll love it till the end of time.” Montego tenderly replied. “I’ll love you till the end of time.”

“You’re gonna be an amazing father.” Chelia muttered, tightening her grip around Montego.

“You’ll be an amazing mother.” Montego whispered. He released the fairy, smiling at his mate. He glanced over her shoulder to see a memory from his younger years began to form.

Fear filled the wolf’s eyes as the familiar memory began to play. “The raid…” Montego’s voice was cold and emotionless.

“The one of Naox?” Chelia asked, turning towards the memory.

“No… this one was the raid of the WhiteClad Pack.” Montego shivered as the memory began to play.

Montego laughed loudly as he chased the soon to be alpha. “I’m gonna get you, Barron!” Montego cheered, running faster to catch the young alpha.

Pouncing on the white wolf, Montego licked Barron's face, eliciting a harthy laugh from the wolf below him.

The white wolf quickly flipped him over, pinning Montego to the ground. He chuckled, helping Montego off the ground. The two shifted out of their wolf forms. Barron slung his arm over Montego’s shoulder. “Are you enjoying the pack?”

“Of course!” Montego ergerly replied with a wide smile. “I love it here!”

“I’m glad.” Barron ruffled his hair. “So,” he glanced up at the fairy on the second floor balcony as she watered the plants, “Chelia, huh?”

“O-Oh… yeah.” Montego blushed slightly. “She’s nice but she’s a fairy… she’d never go for me.”

“Don't say that.” Barron smirked at his fellow wolf. “I’m sure she would love to go out with you.”

“I don't know, Barron…” Montego muttered, making eye contact with the fairy.

She giggled, waving at the fairy. “Hi, Montego!”

Montego laughed loudly, waving awkwardly back at Chelia.

Barron sighed, shaking his head. “You look stupid.”

“Shut. Up.” He replied through gritted teeth, smiling widely up at her.

Barron waved Chelia down. “Hey, Chelia, mind coming here for a sec?”

Chelia nodded, flying down towards the wolves. “Is there something you need?”

“Montego,” Barron turned towards the wolf with a sly smirk, “is there anything you’d like to say to Chelia?”

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