Miso-person's soup

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1 smidgen Werpoes Salt

1 dash Lapsus Salt

6 cups of Dashi

1/2 pound of soft Tofu, drained and cut

1/4 cup of thinly sliced greens

1/2 cup of Night Blooming chives

1/4 cup of miso paste

1 pea-sized portion Gründe finger root core


1. Stir together miso paste and 1/2 cups dashi until smooth

2. Heat remaining dashi until hot

3. Add tofu

4. Simmer Night Blooming Chives for 1 minute then remove from heat

5. Add Grunde Finger Root Core immediately

6. Stir miso mixture and scallion


" The person you seek will appear in the bowl crystal clear, you will know where they are, be at far or near...

If the face appears not, their image not caught,

peace of mind you have bought.

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