Part 12

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POV: Three days have passed and Derek has not woken up yet. Meredith is on leave so she can stay with him. Mark and Christina walk through Dereks room every day to check on them.

It is Thursday morning, around 11:00. Meredith is sitting next to Derek holding his hand talking to him, as she was doing the last few days.

-" Remember when you told me that our last kiss was on Thursday morning? Well i would give anything to kiss you again, right now, that it is a Thursday morning, and remember how happy we were. I miss this, i miss you, i want to hug you again, to hear your voice. Please wake up Derek, please don't leave. Do not do anything stupid, you hear me? Give me a sign, anything, so i know that you hear me. Please."Said Meredith crying when Dereks squeezed her fingers.

-" Oh my god, oh my god, i have to call Dr.Nelson and Mark and Cristina." Said Meredith really happy

When they arrived Dr.Nelson had a look like he knew what was going to happen.

-" He moved his fingers, thats good right? Thats a sign that he is going to wake up." Said Meredith with tears of joy running down her face

-" Dr.Grey, thats a good sign but i don't want you to get too excited, the muscles can be moved but that doesn't mean his awake." Said Dr.Nelson

-" Okay, enough, at least be supportive, she is devastated." Said Mark really upset.

-" Dr.Sloan don't be upset, i just don't want to give you hope with no reason. I'm glad you are all here, cause i wanted to talk to you. The last scans showed that the swelling has not left." Said Dr.Nelson

-" Thats bad." Said Meredith

-" Well for sure its not good, but it doesn't affect the chance to wake up. We just need to give him time." Said Dr.Nelson and left the room.

-" Mer its gonna be okay, its always a good sign when they move. Right Mark?" Asked Cristina

-" Yes." Answered Mark

-" Okay Mer, go home to get some rest, you look tired." Said Cristina

-" But i'm sleeping." Said Meredith

-" You are sleeping in a chair, thats not sleep, and you haven't eat 3 days straight. Go home sleep, eat, take a shower and come back tomorrow, we will stay with him." Said Cristina

-" Yes shes right, go." Said Mark

-" Okay, i will call you later to see how he is." Said Meredith and left

Mark stayed with Derek while Cristina was working.

-" How is Derek?" Asked George

-" I don't know, i keep saying to Mer that he is going to wake up but i'm not sure if he will." Answered Cristina

-" Come on, patients wake up everyday in front of our eyes after months in coma, give him some time." Said George

-" Thats the only thing that gives me hope, but if he don't Meredith wont recover from this, i know it, she is barely sleeping, she thinks that he is going to die while she is sleeping." Said Cristina

-" He won't, he will wake up, i'm sure he is." Said George

-" I hope so!" Said Cristina and got back to work

When Meredith arrived at home Izzie was there backing.

-" Oh here you are, where were you those days." Asked Izzie

-" Im sleeping in the hospital with Derek." Replied Meredith

-" Ohh Mer, i'm so sorry. Is he any better?" Asked Izzie

-" No....i don' know. I have to eat something and take a shower so i can go back to the hospital." Answered Meredith really tired

-" Go take a shower and come eat, i baked some muffins." Said Izzie

When Meredith finished with her shower she went to the kitchen to eat.

-" So, are you feeling any better?"

-" How could i feel better? He is in come for three days now. Im exhausted but i don't want him to wake up and no one is there. He may not remember anything, i have to be there." Said Meredith while she was eating

-" I know, you should be there, but you have to sleep first, you look awful." Said Izzie

-" Sto saying that. You are all keep saying me to sleep and eat, its not easy you know, i cant see him in the bed and not worry. If he dies, i'm not going to survive this, its going to break me." Said Meredith in a high tone

Izzie stayed silent.

-" Im sorry, Izzie. You didn't do anything, i just can't do this anymore. If he doesn't wake up soon....oh god, if he doesn't wake up at all..." Said Meredith and started crying.

-" Its okay Mer, everything is going to be okay." Said Izzie

Meredith wiped her tears and ate some more muffins before she left the house to go to the hospital.

-" You can go now, i'll stay with him." Said Meredith to Mark

-" Did you eat?"

-" Come on Mark." Said Meredith

-" Grey i'm serious."Said Mark

-" Yes i did. Ok?" Said Meredith

-" Okay, i'm going now, i have a surgery, will you be fine?" Asked Mark

-" Im gonna be fine." Replied Meredith

The days were passing. Meredith wasn't leaving his side for more than an hour. She was going home only to eat and shower. One day late at night and when Mark and Cristina were at their homes and Meredith was sleeping next to him, Derek moved. A few seconds later he opened his eyes.

Part 13 coming soon.
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