Part 11

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POV: Cristina and Meredith are already at the hospital with George and Alex waiting for the incoming.

-" I heard there was a car crash with 3 cars and 5 people." Said George

-" Yes, someone was drunk, someone passed the stop, you know how it goes." Said Alex

That moment Burke and Bailey arrived at the pits.

-" Wheres Shepherd?" Asked Burke

-" He left hours ago, he is probably on his way." Answered George

-" Okay, listen, you are going to wait for orders. Meredith you can't work, get a banana bag." Said Burke as it was obvious to him that Meredith was drunk. "Cristina how much have you drink?"

-" Not much, a couple of shots." She replied

-" Okay you are fine." Said Burke while he was putting on his gloves

That moment the first ambulance arrived

-" Jane Green, 24 years old. She was drunk with her friend in her car. She has deep tears in her chest, coded 2 times till we come here and has taken two rounds of Epi. They are taking the other girl to Seattle Pres."Said one of the paramedics.

-" Okay, thats mine. O'Malley come with me, lets put her on trauma 3, come on people, move." Said Burke

After seconds the second ambulance arrived.

-" Ross Miller, 35 years old, he was in his car with his wife. GCS 5, he is intubated and dehydrated. Bad injures in his head and belly. He lost a lot of blood."Said one of the paramedics

-" Is he going to be okay?" Asked Rosses wife crying and having some small injures on her face

-" Yes, we will take care of him." Answered Alex

-" Ok, we need Shepherd, were is he?" Asked Bailey. " Yang, take him for a head CT and page me for the results. Karev go do stitches on the lady's face and meet me on trauma 4."

Meredith was in the pits just looking as she wasn't sober yet.

The third ambulance arrived.

-" Derek Shepherd, 43 years old, he lost consciousness a few minutes ago, severe head injuries, and difficulty in breathing."

-" Oh my god, its Shepherd. Page Nelson and lets do all the labs for him, stat." Yelled Bailey

Meredith was standing there with tears in her eyes, just looking, unable to do anything from the shock she had. Bailey looked at her.

-" Its gonna be okay Grey, i promise." Said Bailey and left.

Meredith passed out as she watched them taking him away with blood all over his body.

-" Dr. Grey are you okay? Dr.Grey?" Asked a nurse and put her in a bed.

After half an hour Meredith woke up.
Cristina, Izzie, George and Mark was there.

-" What happened? Why am i on hospital bed?" Asked Meredith confused as she was still sleepy.

-" You fainted, but its okay, you are okay." Answered George

-" Oh thank god, i saw a dream, a nightmare actually, that Derek had an accident with his car." Said Meredith relieved

Everyone stayed silent looking sad.

-" Why are you all looking like that?" Asked Meredith

-" Mer...Derek was in an accident." Replied Cristina

-" What? Ohh now i remember, i saw him taking him out of the ambulance. Oh my god, where is he? Is he okay?"Said Meredith ant tried to get out of bed.

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