Part 10

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POV: When Derek took his eyes from his phone and looked up, Meredith was already gone. He tried to find her but Meredith went to tell Cristina.

-" Mer... what happened?" Asked Cristina " You look awful."

-" Derek slept with another woman." Sadi Meredith

-" What? Are you serious?" Asked Cristina socked

-" Yes. I saw messages on his phone from Emma, a neurosurgeon. She told him that they shouldn't end it so early, something like that." Said Meredith sad

-" That jerk, i knew he was gonna hurt you again. What do you want to do?" Said Cristina

-" Really... nothing. Look i love him, of course i do, but i can't do this anymore, he always hurts me... and i...i just cant do it. Im tired of us breaking up. I don't want to talk to him, i don't want to fight with him, i just want him to leave me alone." Said Meredith

-" I know how you feel but you have to talk to him."Said Cristina

-" What am i going to say?" Said Meredith " When i'm with him i just want to kiss him no matter how mad i am with him. Its like an addiction." Said Meredith

-" Thats bad, but you need to tell him its over. If you go back now, then he will to it again, and again, because thats Derek, he's not gonna change." Said Cristina

-" I know, thats why i don't want to talk to him. Because i'm sure i am going to get back with him and then we will break up again and i can't go through another break up with him." Said Meredith and left

After a while Derek found Cristina.

-" Cristina, here you are. I need your help. Did you talk to Mer?" Asked Derek

-" I did." She answered

-" Great. Look, that night i was drunk because i thought she was cheating on me, i don't know why i did that, but i know it was a mistake. Can you talk to her and tell her these things, because she didn't let me explain, she left before  i even try to say anything." Said Derek

-" I just want to know one thing Derek, just one thing. You really think that after all of these, she is going to get back with you? Because i really don't understand how you guys are thinking, like i swear to god, you have hurt her more times than i will be hurt in my whole life." Said Cristina

-" I know, i know, but this was the last time."

-" This is what you said the last time." Said Cristina clearly angry

-" But this time is different. After having sex with Emma i was  disgusted with what i did, with myself. Thats what i want to tell her. Please make her listen to me." Said Derek

-" She won't listen. Look, i talked to her and she wasn't angry..." said Cristina but Derek interrupted her.

-" Thats good right?" He asked

-" No, its not. When a girl is not angry its even worse. It means that she is just not going to deal with you again because she is tired of you. It means she doesn't give a crup about you anymore." Said Cristina

-" This cant be the end, theres got to be a way, i love her, i cant let a stupid thing break us up. I know she loves me too..."
Said Derek with tears in his eyes

-" She does, but she also wants to be happy, and if she cant be happy with you, she will be without you. Im sorry Derek." Said Cristina and left.

Derek looked at the floor with tears in his eyes trying to keep it together. He then went to find Meredith, hoping he has a chance.

Once Again - MerDerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum