Part 3

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POV: Derek has finished his surgery and tries to find Mer so they can leave for home together but he doesn't find her. He thinks she is with her friends and goes to his trailer. The next morning Derek goes to the residents room to find her. Cristina, George and Izzie are there too.

-" Hey guys. Mer, i didn't see you last night." Said Derek unaware of what have happened last night.

Cristina, George and Izzie had no idea either.

-" Derek please leave. You don't want to do this talk here." Said Meredith really angry not wanting all the other residents to find out.

-" What talk? What happened again? We were fine right?. Said Derek confused.

Meredith tried very hard not to make a scene in front of everyone but she could not hold back.

-" Really? Are you kidding me right know? You came here from NY thinking that its not a big deal being married and said, lets screw an intern it will be fun." Said Meredith angry

-" Wait how do you know?" Asked Derek

-" How do i know? Thats your answer? I heard you last night in the OR with Sloan. Thats how i know. I really don't know how i thought it would work.I swear to god Derek i don't  want to talk to you again, i don't even want to see you again. Get out of my way and don't even try to find me." Said Meredith angry leaving the room.

Cristina, George and Izzie were socked. No one knew about that.

-" I remember telling you not to hurt her again." Said Cristina angry leaving to talk to Mer.

-" Ohh you are so screwed!" Said George
and Izzie

Derek looked at them mad but the same time sad because he didn't want Meredith to find out that way.

-" Mer, forget about him please. He is an ass. He don't deserves you." Said Cristina trying to comfort her.

-" I don't know how i thought he was good for me. He is an attending and we are residents. It was my fault from the beginning, I should never have slept with him." Said Meredith

The next days Derek was trying to reach Meredith so they can talk but she was avoiding him. Meanwhile all the hospital have heard about it.

-"Derek i'm sorry Meredith found out. I thought shew knew.

-"Yeah i'm sure you are sorry!" Said Derek.

-" You know technically it didn't even came out from my mouth. You said that you have a wife and Meredith heard it. Not me." Said Mark.

-" have already destroy two of my relationships. You have no right to talk to me like we are friends." Said Derek angry. "Do not talk to me again."

So Derek left Seattle for a few days. Meredith noticed he was not in the hospital and the idea that he is in NY made her so jealous, she put Cristina ask Webber where he was.

-" Dr.Webber...i am in Shepherds service that days but he is not here. Do you know where he is? Asked Cristina

-" Um he told me he had some things to do back to NY. He will come back in a few days." Said Webber

-" Okay thank you."

Cristina went to Mer to tell her.

-" He said he is in NY for a job." Said Cristina to Meredith

-" Great. He went back to his wife. Ohh he can make me mad without even being here. Said Meredith

-" Maybe he went for a surgery. We don't know." Said Cristina

After a few days Derek was back. Meredith was on his service but she didn't want to talk to him.

Bailey was in the residents room with Yang, Stevens, O'Malley, Karev and Grey when Shepherd and Burke arrived.

-" Stevens you are with Burke, Yang with me and you boys go do something in the pits. Grey you are with Shepherd." Said Bailey and everyone left the room.

-" Mer.. can we talk now?" Asks Derek and gets close to her.

-" Do not approach me. We don't have anything to say. You went to NY. Did you sleep with her. Thats why you went there? You missed her right?

-" Mer what are you saying?" Said Derek

-" Don't you understand me?"Said Meredith

-" I am but...."

-"But now answer me a question please. Is she good at bed? Is thats why you went to NY? You missed good sex huh?Said Meredith

-" Dr.Grey." Said Derek with a high tone. "Im not going to answer this question and you know it."

-" Why Dr.Shepherd? I thought i was on your service today. Aren't you supposed to answer my questions?" Said Meredith trying to made him mad

-" Medical questions Dr.Grey!" Said Derek.

He wanted yo tell her that he is not with Addison anymore but clearly that wasn't the right time.

-" Now lets go for the rounds and we will talk later. Said Derek angry walking to a patients room.

The next days Meredith was in her house drinking tequila day or night. She might made Derek believe that shes okay but deep inside her she knew she wasn't. Derek asked Cristina where she was although he knew the answer .

-" Is Meredith okay?" Asked Derek

-" Ohh now you care?" Said Cristina

-" Come on Cristina you know i care about her. There was a misunderstanding. We just need to talk but if she don't come to the hospital we cant.

-" Meredith is in the house drinking all day because you decided not to tell her about your stupid wife. Why do you think she would like to talk to you?" Said Cristina and left

Those days Meredith was feeling nauseous. Days were passing but Meredith wouldn't go to the hospital. Derek was worried but he could do nothing but call her over and over again. Derek saw Izzie going to her car to leave the hospital.

-" Please tell Mer to call me." Said Derek

-"Ok but i don't think she will." Said Izzie and got into the car.

George was on call so Meredith and Izzie were alone in the house. When Izzie got in the bathroom she saw Meredith vomiting. She grabbed her hair to help her.

-"God Mer how much have you drink?"

-" Izzie i will tell you something but if you tell anyone you are dead." Said Meredith

-" Ok go ahead..." Said Izzie

-" Im not vomiting because of tequila. I haven't drink for a few days." Said Meredith

-" Then why...... ohh noooo!" Said Izzie

-" Oh yes." Said Meredith and vomited again.

-" Meredith tell me you are not pregnant."

-" Im afraid i am." Said Meredith terrified

-" How long?" Asked Izzie

-" two weeks i think."

-" that was when we did that party. You don't remember who you slept with, do you? I get it you were drunk, you were angry with Derek but...

-" Izzie stop. I remember who i slept with. I wasn't drunk.

-" Well who is he? Are you going to tell me or do i have to guess? And just so i know, does Derek know? Because if i remember you were together the day after the party, right? Said Izzie

-" The baby is Dereks. Oh my god what i am going to do?" Said Mer ready to cry.

-" Aaaa now i get it. Wait.First of all lets go downstairs because you have to drink some water. Second of all George is not here so he didn't heard anything. I will call Cristina to come here and we'll see what you are going to do." Said Izzie.

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